Which breeds have you had good egg production from?

Hello! So, I LOVE the friendliness and high egg production #'s coming from my Golden Comets (6-7 per week), however I don't like the reproductive issues that have started happening (egg bound, etc....) So, I'm needing some advice as to which chickens you've had the best egg output from..... I'll be adding close to 20 hens with the sole purpose of selling eggs and want breeds that can give me 5-6-7 eggs per week and is not a production hybrid. Any breeds you've had luck with??? Thanks!
My Amber Links have laid a egg a day since 20weeks old. They are large brown eggs.
We have got 6 hens leghorns aka white stars they give us ) eggs everyday 7 days a week
I think they are good egg layers pretty hardy aswell
My Barred Plymouth Rock lays at least 5-6 eggs a week and she’s 3 years old. She’s head of the flock and super friendly with people if you want a good egg layer with lots of personality this is the breed for you!
I have 24 pullets. Australorps, Buff Orphingtons, Barred Rock, and Silver Laced Wyandottes.

My Wys are my worst layers. My Australorps are my best. I can tell my Australorp eggs apart. They've laid 7 eggs a week since they reliably started laying.. They had a starter phase with less, but built up to 7/week quick. They also laid all winter.

Edit to add: I get 20-23 eggs/day.
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I crossed Welsummers with Naked Necks and had amazing production, size and color. At present, I have a mixed flock of Whiting True Greens and Blues. The larger of these colored eggs are huge and the color is gorgeous. So;
1. Welsummer x Naked neck
2. Whiting True's - (The green eggs are olive and stunning.)
3. Wellsummers
4. Naked Necks (Turkens) - Daily X Large somehow.
Pictures please!!!! :D
All of my breeds give four or more eggs per week: White Leghorns, ISA Browns, Rhode Island Reds, Barred Rocks, and one Americana. The White Leghorns are the best layers, they take a day off like once a month.

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