Which dog breeds co-exist well with chickens?


It just goes to show that appropriate training can make a world of difference- and once a chicken killer does not mean it has to stay that way (although it makes the training even harder). YOU have to be the responsible one, YOU have to be the one willing to take the time and effort to do the training and [BOLD] continue the reinforcement [/BOLD]. My black lab only has problems when I'M the one chasing them--he "tries to help". Seeing this, I've changed MY way, and now he helps me keep them cornered until I can get a hold of them, but he won't touch them (they're MY chickens, not HIS).

Glad things are going well with your dog!
Here is a picture of Dodge (Hotwings dogs) with one of the chickes on his head. He really does well with the chickens. And also loved the piglets when we had them. He is a good dog, and will even come sometimes when you call him, (well most of the time) right Hotwings?

I think it is in the training and time spent with the chickens. I had ahalf siberian husky and timber wolf.
and never lost a Chicken to her over a 5 year span to she was hit by a car. Now just have my house dogs a fiest Chihuahua mix and one full Blooded Chihuahua and they leave them alone. The Chihuahua likes to get the roaster to chase him but he does not mess with the hen at all he just like to be run by the roasters.
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I have 3 dogs, an older Scottish Terrier, a 5 yo Jack Russell Terrier, and a newly adopted Dachsund. The two terriers are fine with the chickens free ranging. But the little dachsund is a killer! He is a mini too so I thought no problem the chickens towered over him, I have to tie him up when the free range. Funny about dogs my two older ones never would raise an eyebrow to the chickens, even as chicks, but when the dachsund was after them the other two dogs actually helped round them up. They are pack animals! And I supposed little as he is, dachsunds are hound dogs and were originally bred for hunting.
Hey! I,ve got a black lab and we got her about the same time I got my chicks. She would love to play with them but I,m trying to train her that they,re mommy,s babies and not to touch. So far she,s listening but if she were on her own I couldn,t say she wouldn,t have a little fun! I just keep reinforcing that they are mine and no. So I would just keep training over and over until the dog understands. The funny thing about this is the chickens are not afraid of the dog! They will instigate by going as close as they can and pecking her, then running as fast as their little legs go, which really tics my lab off. She looks at me with this oh please mom? look in her eyes!

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