Which is better? BYC vs FACEBOOK

Face-chook feels strange and lonely.....but I don't use it to it's full potential.

BYC feels like Grandma's house. She may ramble a bit, and get on your case for bad manners & language...but you know it's good for you.

There is something special about BYC!
Like SpeckledHen was saying FB and BYC are like apples and oranges.

Like any other webs, you just practice what you preach and "weed" out the bad ones from the good ones and after all you ARE in control of what you do on FB and whom you want on FB. You can moderate your own FB page.

There are pros and cons on both of them but I am not going to say too much more because I have been on BYC such a long time, fads come and go, people come and go, and I do notice we are more opinionated than ever before in the Random Ramblings sections.

With the religion and poltics debates, some of us like to banter back and forth, expressing opinions and whats nots, it would be best to go over on FB. Or anyone that wants to play with fire.
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On Facebook, you can create a group of people just like BYC. I have one on there just for my Co-Op friends where we discuss business. One that is public and open that is for all levels of GSD owners. One that is operated by the breeder of my youngest dog. Once that is for DDR/Czech dog owners. One for just certain family members that I want to share things with. The list goes on and on. :) You also have the option of making your group private which means that anyone not a member will even know that the group exists. That's something that you can't do with BYC - once you say it, it's there forever for anyone to find, even if you delete the post.
I find it more interesting and entertaining when people are forced to be nice... Seeing some not blow up into a tyraid of foul language and obscene hand gestures when your argument goes wrong is nice.
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The difference between FB and BYC is why, after the 4th of July meal, the groups separate...Men/ women/ children. Most men like the occasional ribald comment about body parts and functions, verbal jostling between younger and older men.
Women are aghast and children are too busy being children. On BYC everyday is Sunday morning at church service.
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