While it's fresh in your mind, what improvements will you make on next year's garden?

I bought my first house last fall, and was so busy with my new house, and getting chickens -- my new garden was somewhat neglected. This fall, winter, spring, I will continue to amend the soil in the raised beds -- and chicken/bunny proof areas better (mine wander everywhere in the back yard)

I'm going to go plant my cold frame veggies this week. (I'm in 8b zone). Last year in January, I had spinach, parsley, and broccoli sprouts poking up in my cold frame, which was surrounded by snow. I'll probably do radishes and parsley for sure -- my bunnies will love it!

I'm contemplating growing tomatoes indoors, under a grow light, this winter. I HATE store bought ones, and don't eat tomatoes til I can get them fresh in the summer, but find that I really miss them. It might make the winter less dreary if I had some happy tomatoes growing in a corner of the house?
Things I need to work on.....

Earwig population.... They are bad here.
Get things planted sooner
Space those tomatoes out much farther!
Make very strong tomato cages.
Grow only what my family really likes to eat.

I did grow a better garden this year but there is always room for improvement.

I can get loads of tomatoes. I canned enough to see us through the winter and beyond. The tomatoes get so tall and heavy they get blown over every darn year even with the bigger cages. Going with wood and rebar perhaps.
I will plant more tomatoes next year but not with my other veggies. They don't seem to need as much water as beans, peas, carrots etc.
I will plant earlier. I will plant more of everything. And i want a greenhouse, asap.
@lazy gardener

So if I read that right......
I basically make a channel between the panels 15" or so wide with the plants in between.
I assume T posts to hold it all up.
I LIKE it. Easy, sturdy, long lasting my kinda thing.

I have one panel already laying about doing nothing.

Not sure why I never thought of it.
I will plant more tomatoes next year but not with my other veggies. They don't seem to need as much water as beans, peas, carrots etc.
I will plant earlier. I will plant more of everything. And i want a greenhouse, asap.

Yes to this -- I didn't have nearly enough this summer, and what I did get suffered from bottom end rot (my soil was crap this year -- I'm working on it!).

I don't have any salsa or canned tomatoes for this winter. Meh.

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