White Cornish: Building a Quality, Sustainable Flock for Meat and More.....

Looks like I may have gotten a white sport out of my Darks. Hopefully it is a cockerel because I have one pullet from shipped eggs.

I've read that the older Cornish have issues (leg, keel) due to their fast growth once they surpass a certain age and size. How have you mitigated that issue?
Does anyone have any for Cornish for sale in or near the Dfw area?

I will have juvenile 5-7 month old in October- November time frame this year. They should be laying anytime from March 2019 onwards depending on age. I live south of McKiinney.

Across the board every serious breeders keep their best stock for their own flock improvements. When juveniles are offered for sale they are always the breeders 1st or second quality culls. True breeders never intentionally and knowingly sell their gold. The only way to get around this is to purchase fertile eggs or day old chicks.

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