White peachick ear infection


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 27, 2011
lancaster, south carolina
I have a six month old white peachick that has a ear infection. It looks like its dirty and a little swollen. i have never had an ear infection in my peafowl before and have no idea how to cure it. Can anyone give me some insight and direction? sorry i would post a picture but i dont have a camera available.
I can't find much on ear infections in birds. Sounds mostly like if it CAN be treated, you would treat it with antibiotics, probably something like amoxicillan, baytril, or clindamycin, or else a topical antibiotic if it's a surface infection, I know there are some creams that might work. It's unusual for them to get ear infections though... is it rubbing its head on things or acting off balance at all?
well i went out and caught it and took a closer look. It look like it was wax like humans get in there ear so i got some peroxide and put a little on the qtip and let it soak for couple seconds and gently pulled the stuff out with tweezers. now it looks fine on both sides so im not quite sure what it was. as far as her or him is concerned it has a good appetite, good balance and all around good health besides that. Do you think i should give antibiotics? what are your thoughts? thanks
Personally I would give him a few days and check the ear again. If there's another build up of stuff, then there may be something in the ear that is irritating it, thus the over-production of "wax". Otherwise, it may have just been a one time freak occurrence.

Do you recall the stuff smelling bad? If the yellow stuff was infection and not wax, it would have a bad odor to it.
okay thanks so much for the info. im pretty sure it didnt smell but at the same time it did poop it the towel so it could of masked the smell. Ill definitely check in a few days to see how it goes. thanks again
Of course, best of luck to you and your pea
I would give it a shot of Tylan 200 1 cc before using any of the others, Baytral is pretty strong and we us it last if nothing else works you could also try Liquamycin LA-200 these are all injections.

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