Who could have possibly laid this egg?!


Dances with Chickens
10 Years
Oct 12, 2009
Petaluma, Ca
Hey all, strange things goin on round here today. I suppose I'll start at last night. Past two days we have had 3 eggs per day. Last night I found a soft shell egg in the coop underneath the roost. I grabbed it and cleaned up the mess in there before locking down for the night. I get up this morning and grab 3 brown eggs. No big deal. Later on I go and get two blue/green eggs. Two? In seperate boxes as well. I know Tostito laid the one that was still warm but no clue where the other came from. The egg in question was cold so it was laid quite a while ago. The other EE lays olive eggs and the rest of the flock is described in my sig and none of them seem to be able to lay such an egg.


Pictured above: The olive egg on the left is one from the EE in my avatar, Gretchen. The blue/green one on the far right is the one Tostito, the other EE laid this morning and the one in the center is the egg in question. She has never laid an egg this small btw.

So what do I have here? Does it have anything to do with the soft shell egg I found in the coop last night? Is it two eggs in one day? The process of making an egg suggests that this is impossible. Right?
Those chickens are just keeping you on your toes!! Too funny!! Sounds like you're going to have to spend some SERIOUS time out in your coop with your girls to unravel this mystery!! BWAHAHAHA!

But seriously, I am of no help. LOL
Your sure she couldn't have laid one the day before? I know mine lay different sizes at times too...not often but once in a while I will get a rounder/smaller one then what they normally lay. Good luck spying on this bunch
Granted I haven't spent as much time this week due to the non-stop rain but we are out there all the time. I'm kinda OCD you might say about being out there hangin out with them lol. I come up with random silly little projects all the time just to have an excuse to be out there.
Besides, she had already laid an egg yesterday.
She is our most productive layer so far actually lol.

Just wanted to add that we are still new at getting eggs so we are still out there 30x's a day checking for eggs and it's always the last thing I do at night with my headlamp on. I always try to keep all the real eggs out of the boxes at all times. The one soft egg was the only egg not laid in the boxes so far.
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Could the soft shelled one from the night befoere be from the olive egger? maybe with the shell being soft it looked more blue than olive? and then the not warm blue one was actually from the night before?
Our Olive Egger has been going on with her weird egg laying thing but that has been with x-large eggs but now back to small/medium and always real dark. She lays every other day usually and only four eggs so far. I'll have to see if she lays today. The soft egg was just the casing and no shell at all. DW grew up with one of them big ol' 3 story chicken houses out in Chester County, Penn. and saw these all the time she says. Gretchen did not lay yesterday though so we will have to see what happens. Still stumped though. Here's a pic of the soft egg. Once again the egg in question and the Tostito egg from today at the top.

My EE Season was in a cage with a not as yet laying Speckled sussex , I went in the morning (between 1130 and noon) to collect eggs and got her pretty blue egg along with all of the other eggs and i went back around 5pm to collect the later in the day layers eggs and there was another one of her eggs there, so with my limited experience I would say she could lay a second egg. I was told that this wasn't possible but it sure happened to my girl.

BTW- Season's first egg was not there the first I went out at around 5 am so the first egg was laid between 5am and around noon when i went to go collect. Im sure I didn't miss it because I did check to see if uno laid her first egg.
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So then I'm convinced for sure. DW and I are calling it a two egg day for her. There really is no other way to call it. She laid eggs the past 6 days and usually is really consistant. She doesn't like to take breaks. Ever since she started laying and since we have been praising her for her beautiful eggs she has gotten a big head and now tries to be the head honcho. She tries to get all the others interested in laying. Shes an oddball. She will call the others over when she starts to lay with an egg song and when they would all be in the coop gathered around she would lay the egg, scream to the heavens and hop out while the others just sat there amazed. Then I would come out woopin and hollerin with a cut apple in my hand sayin what a good girl she was...

I think she pooped out the first little egg in one box, became embarrased about the awkward size, shape, and shell texture and moved into another to lay the second one to try to get it right. I'll bet she ends up laying another egg tomorrow as well. I still never figured out who laid the shell-less egg though...

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