Update on my Cackle chicks:
I lost 5 of them. Well, technically 2, 3 were extras they sent. I'm down a splash Cochin, Turken, Easter Egger and 2 that could be speckled Sussex, Welsummer or brown Leghorn (they all sort of look the same). I guess shipping was just too hard on them. The rest are doing very well though, growing like little weeds!

That's so awful! I'm so so sorry to hear that!! Glad the others are doing good.
My chicks are hatching!!! Six so far. Neville, Peppy, Bernadette, Howie, Penny and Leonard! By the way, I didn't name them. My co-workers did...........
I'll be getting mine in April (so soon!). I couldn't not get three Barred Rock I saw at the local farm store yesterday so our flock has already started. We'll get six more on the 21st: 3 bantam RIR and 3 Easter Eggers. They are being hatched by a preschool class, so we'll get them a couple days after hatch day.

I can't wait!
So nice that chicks are hatching and doing well.
Mine are being shipped next week. I need to hurry up and finish preparing the place they'll stay.
Question - my chicks are super skittish. I've had them for a few days now, but if anything they seem more flighty than the day they arrived.
Anything I can do to kind of encourage them to come to me more? They hide in the corner of the brooder when I open the lid and cheep really loudly...
Or is this just normal chick behaviour lol I'm new to all this! TIA
Mine are similar, as were my chicks last year. One thing I started doing this year, was to kneel down and just put my hand in there. And just let it stay there. After a bit of running away, they come back over to the front, where my hand is. And where their waterer and food are. Then it becomes part of the scenery. They'll peck it sometimes, ignore it other times. I just keep doing it, and then when I let my finger rub them a little as they go past, they don't seem to mind much.
13 chicks have hatched so far!  I think that will be it. My three week old pullets are flying already!  Darn chicks.  I'm going to have to make my brooder pen walls higher.  

Mine are 4 weeks old and one of them just flew to the top of the 3' brooder walls. And one of the 1week old chicks just cleared her 18" tall brooder. They do fly early, don't they?

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