who laid the egg????


In the Brooder
7 Years
Aug 31, 2012
Ok I am getting a large brown egg with some brown spots on it. Not a lot of brown spots just a few here and there. I get one at least every other day.......if not every day. In the pen I have 2 standard cochin (which I really do not think its theirs cause I get 2 pale brown ones that I think is theirs) a Americana , a polish frizzle, and a cochin bantam/silkie mix. So what do you think? Maybe I need to post a picture?
im not an expert on the colored eggs of breeds but you can check the hip bones of your hens to see which is laying. About 1inch (ish) below the vent you will feel the hip bones poking out beneath the feathers. If you can fit about 3 fingers between them they are laying or about to lay. Around 2.5 if it has just started laying (from my experience).

Also a laying chicken has redder combs and squats with its wing flared out alittle.
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