Who to introduce to black sex link pullet

I had a pair of black sex link female pullets I raised from chicks, they free range the yard when I’m home during the day. Today when I went outside I saw a vulture had gotten one. I found the other one hiding in a dense pine tree. I feel so bad for my lone pullet. I know she needs a friend but idk how to go about it. Should I get a chick to raise until it’s older to put in with her? Or I probably can’t raise the chick alone and then I wouldn’t want those chicks to have a bond that my pullet wouldn’t have with them? Google gives me mixed answers!
I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope you are able to find a friend for her!
I had no idea vultures would go after chickens. I thought they only went after wounded or dead things but I googled it and found out that they will in fact go after chickens. We've got more than a few turkey vultures around our area. I will have to be more careful when they're around.
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.
I'm so sorry you lost one of your girls.
I agree that getting 2 more girls about the same age, maybe a little younger, and slowly introducing them via the 'look don't touch' method for about 7 days before allowing them to intermingle will be best for her. Any breed will do but avoid Silkies or Polish as they are so different in appearance they often become the victims of bullying.
Is my pullet going to be okay alone for a month?

Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

I am so sorry for your loss. :hugs Always heartbreaking to lose them.

Your remaining bird will be confused awhile. You will need to pay a but more attention to this one, spend more time with her, I wouldn't leave her alone in the coop long and definitely not free ranging alone. You might keep her as a house chicken for now, in your mud room, laundry area, garage? She is pretty young and you don't want to traumatize her. Hopefully you can find some friends that are similar in age for her soon.

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