Who uses their chicken compost?

I read a couple of posts that said to add weeds to the compost, but doesn't that mean you'll be spreading the weeds when you go to use your compost (if you throw weeds in) ?
Rabbit poop is the best I've found on the garden. You don't have to worry about it being hot, just apply and till it under.
My hens found the compost pile last night! Boy, they hit the jackpot of bugs!!!
Rabbit poop is the best I've found on the garden. You don't have to worry about it being hot, just apply and till it under.

I use leaves, shredded paper, pine pellets and/or straw as the bedding in my coop and then I put the soiled bedding into my composter once per week. I also add tea bags, coffee grounds and veggie peelings to the composter. Today I discovered that the composter had sprouted. I haven't been adding weeds or grass. to the bin.I'm wondering if the straw I bought has seeds in it. Should I just turn those sprouts in and let them cook to death? Or should I pull them and feed them to the chickens?
Goat poop too. It comes in nice, non-burning easy-to-use pellets. :)
When I had goats, I just tossed their poop right on the garden.
I've never had sheep, but think their poop would be a lot like goat poop and just as easy to apply.
Rabbit poop is the best I've found on the garden. You don't have to worry about it being hot, just apply and till it under.
(Disclaimer: New to composting and chickens) Is there any recommendations on how close/far to keep my compost bin from the chicken coop and run? I know compost piles can attract vermin, but so can chickens, so should I be concerned about keeping them a bit apart? I just cleaned out my brooder and don't want to throw away all the shavings (and I REALLY need to get composting to help my awful soil.) Thanks! :)

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