Whoo Hooo....Just sold my 1st eggs!!!


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jul 25, 2011
Altamont, NY
I've posted a couple of time on Craigslist and only got a couple of people...both who wanted delivery (about 30 miles away). Otherwise, we've been giving away our extra eggs to our friends and family that were gracious enough to give us items to build the coop and run with.

Posted again on Craigslist this morning and within a half hour, had a response from someone that wanted 4 dozen and asking for our address. I replied back that I only had 3 doz available that she was welcome to, gave her the address and then told her about Eggzy.net (which we are listed on).

She will be picking up her eggs this evening and plans on checking out the Eggzy site so subscribe to our flock and become a regular!

Just brought the girls their afternoon treat and told them they better get crankin out a couple of more eggs cause now Mom's without! LOL
Congratulations! It's so exciting when you finally get some cash!!

Thanks for the Eggzy info. I've never heard of it and I'm checking it out now.
Our sales come from my wife. I'm in production, she in sales.
She's a people person. Through Avon ladies gatherings, choir, church people, card playing clubs, etc she sells 8-10 dozen a week. All the neighbors also buy. That's another 6-8 dozen a week. We barely keep up sometimes. Social networking I guess you'd call it. Just folks we know and who know we have nice brown eggs. I ran a notice on Craigs a couple times but it produced nothing. I suspect the driving costs makes it difficult to consistently target anyone who isn't right near you in the first place.
The majority of my egg sales come from people DH works with; we had put up a flyer on the town's message board. Yesterday when purchasing feed the sales clerk gave me the name of a lady in our town that is seeking fresh eggs for her small business of selling breakfast sandwiches. WOOT! A good excuse to get more chickens.
I remeber that Sale - Lol We all watched it hatch in the Old BYC -- Including 6 Marines Sitting with my son - As they were being Shipped out was a wonderful time -Congrats to You !!!
Thanks everybody.

The Eggzy.net seems to be in the newer stages. I think if the word gets out more it will become a useful tool for anyone looking and selling home raised food. It's definitely a great idea. I figured if I at least passed it along to the people inquiring, then it may be easier for them to check on how many eggs we have available. Saves an email if we don't have what they need!

Wouldn't you know...I sold my 3 dozen eggs that I had today and now the girls only gave me 5 for the whole day! LOL Haven't had that low a day in weeks! Oh well....no pressure....we appreciate whatever they give us.

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