Who's setting with me Sept 1st-4th?

I'm hoping this is a boy. He's grown a bit since s/he hatched!


Not great pics, but here are the other two


Here's Chester with my second(staggered hatched). They instantly got along well.

I'll have to take nicer pics. This group is awesome! They are not skittish at all and love my attention!

I STILL have them in the house.LOL. I need to get them situated in the coop behind a barrier. All of them are fully feathered now. They are at their funny looking stage. They will look much nicer after their mini molt.
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Some pics of the newest babies (the Silkies, the bantams, and the OE/EE). I finally put them in my little porch brooder this week. The striped chipmunk looking ones are the OE/EE. The REALLY tiny black one, and the REALLY tiny black/white (Oreo) are the bantams. There are 4 smaller Silkies--I think one may be a blue or splash, two whites I think, and one buff. And then there is one small chick I don't know what is
, lol. I thought was a Silkie egg, but it's definitely NOT a Silkie. And then of course, there is Fringer, their baby-sitter.

I just wanted to show yall a pic of some of my EE birds. The roo is Red, I love him. He is Arauacana. The hens, some are purebred, most of them I hatched out 2-3 years ago from purebreed hens crossed with a Columbian Wyandotte.

Nicole, I love those pics!! What kind of chicken is Chester? Are the other two lavs? They look very lite in color. Beautiful!!
They are pure Ameraucana's. one light blue, one splash and a black. I rehomed the darker blues and another black. Their cheek and beard feathers are not in yet.

We kept the sweetest ones that were the friendliest.
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I've decided to clean up and put away my incubator for now. It will come back out when my seller's birds come out of their molt. Love all the photos, I still need to take pictures of my two little guys. I keep saying I will and I keep forgetting, but they are soo adorable.

And Nicole, yours are soo feathered already! Mine are still over half fluff. I know cochins mature slowly, I just can't believe how slowly compared to yours. They have a large run and a constant supply of food and water.
I put my incubator away too. I covered it in a plastic bag, so no dust can get in it. Since I have two sets, I'd like to breed Chester with the other two black chicks(I'm pretty sure they are females with flat combs right now). Chester has a beautiful green shine on his feathers.

That all depends how they look as adults. They both came from very nice egg colors and breeders. The two smaller black chicks came from a dark solid blue egg. I love black chicks and their personalities are great so far!

If I don't breed my own, I'll buy another set online. It depends how the blue and splash turn out when their true feathers are in.

Every time I open the brooder Blueberry flies in my lap. I do put the chicks in the coop once the adults are done laying. They are free ranging all day. I do need to get them all in the coop. Chester acts like a hen and is really sweet. If Chester is a boy, I hope he stays sweet!
All of my boys are sweet, the roosters are my favorite. Tom (who passed away last spring) used to jump into my lap and play with me. Alexander and Fuzzbutt (stupid name, I know) are very friendly. And little Joey, he follows me around everywhere. He loves to snuggle and have his back rubbed. I also have a broody hen that hatched out some chicks just a little over a month ago and they follow me more than her, hahaha. They know who has the pockets full of corn. And these last 2 chicks are super friendly jumping into my hand everytime. The other group of chicks that hatched during th original hatchalong seemed pretty antisocial no matter what I did. I'll just have to win them over with treats with they grow older, hahaha.
I never owned a rooster before. I've been wanting one ever since we got the hens. My hubby was the one who needed convincing that its okay.

There are 4-5 other roosters in our neighborhood. One is across the street.

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