Why are people telling me we need a rooster for eggs??


7 Years
Feb 13, 2012
Jackson, WI (Southeast WI)
Hello All, I have read over and over that hens lay eggs just fine without a rooster. We are expecting 8 chicks (requested female) to raise for eggs. People, however, tell us we need a rooster or our chickens won't lay quite right. What is the real answer? Thanks!
10000000% myth! A rooster makes no difference in egg prodcuction except the eggs will be fertile- but they taste just the same and are fine to eat- and some roosters can even stress girls out making them lay less. There is no reason you need a roo.
You only need a rooster if you want to hatch chicks.

People say a lot of dumb things.

By the way, these "experts" telling you that you need a rooster for your hens to lay eggs will probably keep arguing with you until your hens start laying eggs, which is around 5 months old for most breeds.
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When I was first inquiring about chickens many people tried to tell me this too, lol. Complete myth
Welcome to the chicken adventure!! I am from Milwaukee by the way ; ) Go Pack!
no roosterr needed unless u are wanting chicks. Eggs just will not be fertile without the rooster,
Human females release eggs just fine without a male around. Same for chickens. That's a common held myth, some folks you can talk til you're blue in the face, even show them your eggs and they won't believe you.
Those people that think you need a rooster also will tell you the egg and the poop don't come out of the same hole. Beware of "know it alls."


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