Why are these so expensive?

Well. I must say.. I'd not pay $100 for a chicken. But that's because i don't have $100 to spend on a chicken.. that would probably croak the moment i brought it home, knowing my luck! But, i've paid around $20 for a bird before.. It was a pair of buff sebrights.. that i realized when i got home that i was incorrect on my breed profiling. the rooster was rooster feathered, not henfeathed like he should have been.. they were sebrights.. but not correct feathering. I was in a horrible mood when i found that out! I think it was $45 for that pair.. That's the most i've ever paid on a chicken.. But who knows... if i wanted it bad enough... and i had the money... i might pay more.. It's all up that individual. I'm certainly not going to look down upon a person because they decided to pay $100 for a chick... I think it's foolish to do so.. Unless you're filthy stinking rich.. But alas.. just my opinion. I know some people who won't spend over $10 for a chicken..

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