Why Aren't My Chickens Laying? Here Are Your Answers!

I am impatiently waiting for my first egg. I have barred rocks, australorps, a silkie, an oeg,a deleware,and a partridge rock. My neighbors have already started laying and we got them at the same time. They keep kicking the fake egg out of the nesting box. They are 22 and 23 weeks old. What is going on with my flock?
As Taffee50 said it takes 6 months to lay. Sometimes 7 as it did for some of my flock. The first to lay were the barred rocks for us and they have been great layers.
Hi all
I have a 24 week old Americauna who laid 3 eggs and then stopped. Nothing for over a week. Is that normal? The other chicks are laying ok. She seems healthy and happy.
I have two sex links, Plymouth Rock, Rhode Island Red, and Americauna. Please let me know. Thanks pR
Hi all
I have a 24 week old Americauna who laid 3 eggs and then stopped. Nothing for over a week. Is that normal? The other chicks are laying ok. She seems healthy and happy.
I have two sex links, Plymouth Rock, Rhode Island Red, and Americauna. Please let me know. Thanks pR
I have found them to be erratic layers, and poor ones, they are bred for egg color not production, so it's inconsistent.
I completely understand. After 6 months if they don't start pulling their own weight (so to speak) they may all become meat birds. I'm a wee bit past middle age and actually grew up raising leghorns. This year we got several types of chickens because I wanted some color. All were hatched and raised up together. I have 13 hens and not one has started laying. I've read the articles and they all recommend the things that I have always done. Chicken feed is getting more expensive all the time and I have yet to benefit from it. It is very frustrating. If I didn't love them so much, they wouldn't still be here. On another note, my ducks haven't laid this year either.
Ok help needed here. I have 5 GC's and 4 EE. All around 6-7 months old. I had 2 of my comets start laying on 8-4 and 8-5 the other 3 have been free loaders until last Friday when another two started laying. The two that have been laying for a month just stopped laying when these other two started laying. Nothing has changed at all in the last week to make them stop laying except these two new layers. I'm not sure what I can or should do. All look healthy and are eating well. I have them on layer feed and keep it available at all times as well as oyster shell. Clean fresh water everyday very few treats....maybe twice a week I will throw them some BOSS. I keep the coup and run and nest boxes clean and they all seem happy. What could be causing this problem? Also no molt and combs are full and mostly red. One of the combs is more pink than usual.
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I have 18 laying hens and until recently could reliably get a dozen eggs each day. For the past 3 days they have produced a total of 6 eggs. They normally have a decent sized pasture but I thought maybe a hidden nest so they were limited to a smaller area today that could easily be checked for a nest (didn't find one), found 1 egg in their nest box. They are about 17 and 15 months old. Days should still be long enough and they get an extra hour in the coop, weather is cooling from the summer but still in the 60s at night and 70s-80s during the day. Any ideas on what may be going on? The only unusual event was a hawk caught and started to eat a ~2 month old right before this.
Mine have begun to molt, yours will as well, some stop laying up to a month before they start, others lay during part of the molt, they will resume after the days begin to lengthen, usually around February or March. Some people will use light to get them to resume laying sooner.

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