Why cant you feed your chicken citrus

I, for some reason, thought there had been discussion and citrus was removed from the no-no's on the food chart. Well, too much fruit and starchy goodies lower the protein levels to below what they should have anyway, so as someone stated, moderation is the thing. No dumping bags of oranges in for your birds! That would be overload. Maybe someone in Florida or California would have lots of citrus to feed birds and we don't here in N. Ga since those trees won't grow here, or I can't imagine anyone feeding lots of citrus to chickens anyway.
I gave my girls some orange slices yesterday..They are so spoiled they would'nt touch it till I peeled it. Had to eat a piece so they would eat it
Guess I will stick to corn
Mine love oranges! Actually any food I give them. LOL If they don't want it, I'll hold it in my hand. There's a few "daring" gals who will take anything if I offer it by hand. :)
My girls will eat citrus. Especially oranges. The will pick them bare to the rind. But I don't give them often because I have read that you shouldn't. What they really love is WATERMELON!!! The gather around my and click at the top of their lungs when they see me coming with a melon cut open.
Most definitely on the watermelon. I made the mistake of letting my gals have some of the home grown watermelons (That weren't penned off and out of reach)... the remaining 3-4 watermelons were gone in 2 days before I noticed they killed it!
I was out at the coop the other day eating a clementine and my rooster just had to have a piece so I gave him a small bite and he loved it so he called the girls over and they each had a bite. Good to know I can give them a little once in a while...
I always heard that vitamin C makes chiken more aggressive, in countries with cockerel fights they feed them vitamin C for that purpose.

I wonder if this is true tho!

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