Why did my chicken die? (Pics)


6 Years
Aug 9, 2013
My moved in with my boyfriend not to long ago and have taken over caring for his chickens. Prior to this, his parents cared for them (very poorly in my opinion).
Keep in mind this is my first experience with chickens but I have been learning and studying a great deal about them.
One of my favorite chickens, died today.
The sex and age is uncertain. I think it was a rooster because I have never seen it lay an egg...my boyfriend thinks this chicken was very old..maybe as old as ten years..
He has lived in a cage his entire life, in a petting zoo of sorts. And has only been fed cracked corn. With no grit. (His parents asked me what grit was, when I started giving it to the chickens!) this has been going on for years.
I have been feeding everyone nutrena grower/starter because we have a group of young chickens I am trying to make sure have a decent diet. It's been several weeks of this feed.
Recently I noticed this bird had some messy stools, all different textures n colors, but some very runny like egg white. He got dewormed about two weeks ago (the free range chickens had roundworms).
Finally today I couldn't handle seeing his poopy butt..it was very crusty and terrible looking. So I read byc for like an hour on how to bath a chicken and have him a bath. Which he seemed to really enjoy, he made cute noises and while I was soaking his behind he almost fell asleep. He let me blowdry him no problem. I then put him in a cage in the sun for a few minutes before moving the cage into the back porch.
In less than an hour I went out to check on him and he was layed over, freshly dead

I have been very very upset all day. I feel like I caused it, like I did something wrong, or failed to do something.
One thing I did notice was while I was bathing him his crop (I Think it's his crop bc I have never seen on before) looked full of fluid or something. I don't know what a normal one is supposed to look like so idk.
Here are the pictures..





Also, if anybody has any idea on what kind of chicken I would love to know. He doesn't look like any other chicken I have seen. I have one other hen that looks like him. Someone once suggested a polish/Cochin mix..
So sorry you lost him! He sure was a handsome guy and dont feel like you caused it.... It sounds like you swooped into his life, took great care of him, and really showed him what a good life was. The other chickens are lucky to have you too.


-Also, I dont have any experience with breeds outside my own but if I was to take a guess... He does look like he has some cochin in him and that fluff on top might represent silkie in him too. I have a silkie/cochin hen that looks similar but she has feathers on her feet which yours doesnt. I dont know what that even really means, I am just saying. Haha
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My boyfriend thinks he received this bird from the same lady who also gave him some silkies (which were long gone before I came into the picture), so that is a great possibility.
This boy had some stubs of what I think used to be feathers on his feet, but I think years of living in a cage wore them away.

On a side note...his almost identical twin, my dear Hoppy, started to lay eggs again after years of not laying any, or laying one every once in a blue moon and eating it. Thanks to her new good diet.
She is also currently sitting on eight incubating eggs (not hers), so she will be a mommy soon :)
If I could find more of these chickens I would gladly purchase them, they are what made me fall in love with chicken keeping .
My boyfriend thinks he received this bird from the same lady who also gave him some silkies (which were long gone before I came into the picture), so that is a great possibility.
This boy had some stubs of what I think used to be feathers on his feet, but I think years of living in a cage wore them away.

On a side note...his almost identical twin, my dear Hoppy, started to lay eggs again after years of not laying any, or laying one every once in a blue moon and eating it. Thanks to her new good diet.
She is also currently sitting on eight incubating eggs (not hers), so she will be a mommy soon

If I could find more of these chickens I would gladly purchase them, they are what made me fall in love with chicken keeping .
That is a Silkie mix. Here is 2 silkies for sale in Deland, FL http://daytona.craigslist.org/grd/4049847703.html

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