Why do we love chickens so much?

Chickens are always glad to be with you. They're SO funny and lovable! Every time when I take the girls out of the pen we always go over to the little plum tree, where they all gather 'round and look up at me, cooing and clucking and jump up when I offer them a plum <3 They give me a happy feeling inside, especially when I sit down on the ground and they all come over and eat by me (I've also laid on the grass and Peepers, our EE, climbed onto my tummy, I couldn't stop laughing!
) I also feel like a shepherd with their flock of sheep (except my flock is chickens), no raptor nor cat nor dog will ever get their claws/talons/teeth into my hens! I am their grooster after all (girl-rooster, a word my mom made up).
It makes me so happy when I call, "Girls! Chickens!" or "Girls! Com'on girls!" and they all come running over with their funny, wobbly gate, looking at them as their pantaloons and dresses go up and down XD. Even when I'm walking to the big elm tree one of the girls follows my speed and walks right beside me

Our family has also inspired our neighbors to get chickens. I'm seeing them right now as I'm typing :) They have two roosters that crow in the mornings (and all day) but it's such a lovely sound to hear.
They all have lovely personalities! Rosie is sweet and loves company, Ruth likes to be with you but doesn't like being picked up, Peepers is the baby of the flock and still will try to get under ones wing every now and again (even though she's old enough to lay eggs) and Melody is shy, but, when she feels safe, she'll eat by your side.
Chickens are so special! They are independent like a cat (and a hunter of anything that moves) except they won't swat you when they'd had enough. They also want a pack leader like a dog, except they won't bark at a stranger, instead they'll come up and greet them.
When the girls were little (and our little roo D.J, who is now at a no kill farm,) we picked them up and let them play on the floor (the poop was a pain though XD). They're so kind now that they're almost full adults, oh! I mean hens, and they haven't ever pecked us out of frustration or anger (the farmer who owns D.J now even said that he's gentle) It's all good, the girls are so wonderful! It's so nice to pick a freshly warmed egg out of the nest! Life is so much fun with chickens!
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My husband and I have missed having our chickens. We miss their wake up call in the mornings and the humor they provided. We both think that is why we have been depressed since we lost our flock. Hopefully soon we will have a coop built and a mess of chickens. We will be raising dual purpose birds hopefully. The chickens are a wonderful weapon against depression. They are endearing I think because they need us yet they can do just fine without us if they need to (free ranged not coop birds). From the balls of fluff to the antique hens that can't lay anymore. They are wonderful pets, friends and meals. How many creatures can have all three qualities?
Agree with all the statements about chickens.

We are now up to 36 chickens from three down to 6 months, I enjoy cleaning their coops each morning and the ground, friendly, chirpy/

But, come next Spring I have to bring to auction several of the ones who will be four and some of the three year olds.
Agree with all the statements about chickens.

We are now up to 36 chickens from three down to 6 months, I enjoy cleaning their coops each morning and the ground, friendly, chirpy/

But, come next Spring I have to bring to auction several of the ones who will be four and some of the three year olds.
Oh please try to rehome them here... auctions are so awful. try craigslist too. its very easy to post on craigslist and people come to you.
its free, and many people are out there looking, a hen thats 3 will still lay some and teaches the new girls.
Chickens are always glad to be with you. They're SO funny and lovable! Every time when I take the girls out of the pen we always go over to the little plum tree, where they all gather 'round and look up at me, cooing and clucking and jump up when I offer them a plum <3 They give me a happy feeling inside, especially when I sit down on the ground and they all come over and eat by me (I've also laid on the grass and Peepers, our EE, climbed onto my tummy, I couldn't stop laughing!
) I also feel like a shepherd with their flock of sheep (except my flock is chickens), no raptor nor cat nor dog will ever get their claws/talons/teeth into my hens! I am their grooster after all (girl-rooster, a word my mom made up).
It makes me so happy when I call, "Girls! Chickens!" or "Girls! Com'on girls!" and they all come running over with their funny, wobbly gate, looking at them as their pantaloons and dresses go up and down XD. Even when I'm walking to the big elm tree one of the girls follows my speed and walks right beside me

Our family has also inspired our neighbors to get chickens. I'm seeing them right now as I'm typing :) They have two roosters that crow in the mornings (and all day) but it's such a lovely sound to hear.
They all have lovely personalities! Rosie is sweet and loves company, Ruth likes to be with you but doesn't like being picked up, Peepers is the baby of the flock and still will try to get under ones wing every now and again (even though she's old enough to lay eggs) and Melody is shy, but, when she feels safe, she'll eat by your side.
Chickens are so special! They are independent like a cat (and a hunter of anything that moves) except they won't swat you when they'd had enough. They also want a pack leader like a dog, except they won't bark at a stranger, instead they'll come up and greet them.
When the girls were little (and our little roo D.J, who is now at a no kill farm,) we picked them up and let them play on the floor (the poop was a pain though XD). They're so kind now that they're almost full adults, oh! I mean hens, and they haven't ever pecked us out of frustration or anger (the farmer who owns D.J now even said that he's gentle) It's all good, the girls are so wonderful! It's so nice to pick a freshly warmed egg out of the nest! Life is so much fun with chickens!
Oh my gosh the same thing happened to me! I was lying down having a snack the hens swarmed me and the My nifty hen Audrey ( who is always getting out of the run and into the garden ) Jumped up on my stomach and attempted to steal my food I got her off then gave her some food then lay back down this time Carmel our Rhode Island Red hens jumps on my stomach and in attempt to balance she digs her toenails into my gut - tiny bit annoying but ever so cute and hilarious
my beloved "walking stomach" Wilma, thinks everything is for her, about her, or just plain hers... she's gotten into my juice, my coffee, my pockets...I don't dare go outside with a sandwich, unless I intend to share it... I love her so much, she's so friendly, even if she is a pig
Wow! Every post here is spot on! Born, raised, and lived in a big city most of my life, I never even dreamed I would ever have chickens...let alone love them as much as I do. I could literally write a book about why I love my chickens. I love BYC, too, and all the wonderful people here who make me feel "normal" for loving my animals the way I do.

I have always been one who "gets up with the chickens" and now it's actually true! It doesn't matter how crummy I feel, or how bad a day I'm having, 10 minutes with my chickens is worth more to me than a year full of 50 minute therapy sessions! And talk about a wonder drug!

Each and every one of my birds have their own personality and I know ALL of them as individuals. Everyone has a name. Some know their name, and some, I think, just like to pretend they don't.
I love how certain, special chickens run when you call their name.

I love how, even if you don't call them over, they come to greet you anyways.

I love how they sit at my backdoor slider glass and stare in and watch me for hours. (Before chickens, I usually watched television, not WAS the television!)

I love how they have different personalitys, some are happy and go lucky, others are a "keep to themselves" type.

I love how they KNOW what to do when a hawk is perched up in a tree branch watching them, or what to do when a neighbor dog comes running over.

I love how when they go into the neighbors yard and start walking around and eating bugs, while the neighbors peer out their windows in awe, and the chickens will then run over to them and look for handouts.

I love how, no matter how many times you yell at them to get off the porch, or the top of the grill, or the neighbors yard, or the driveway.... they always come back for attention and love.

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