Why do we love chickens so much?

I think my forum signature (below) says it pretty well for me.
I love my chickens so much because they make me a delicious breakfast :) They also know me as their Momma and follow me around where ever I go. Even when I'm mowing the lawn around their yard or riding my dirt bike they run along with me right at the fence
I love my chickens :D
I lost my job at the end of March. To keep myself busy, and because my fiancee wanted to do this forever, I started on my first coop. Mostly pallets and salvaged wood it came out pretty well. We got our first members of out flock. We had one turn out to be a rooster (we cannot have roosters in our city) and we found him a great home. We now have 1 Brahma, 1 Barred Rock, 2 RIR's, 1 Coronation Sussex, 1 Lavender Orpington and 3 Silkies (2 still in the brooder).
There is something very Zen about sitting out and watching my chickens. They can make a bad day good. A short story...
Last night a dog got into the back yard.... Feathers all over the place. We thought for sure that we lost our Brahma, Betty. I was soooo sad. You feel empty. This morning I got up and opened the back door to the garage,,, within 30 minutes or so Betty is running around the backyard wanting to be let into her run with her flock. It was like losing a friend and getting them back again. A few less feathers but otherwise not hurt. Who would of thought something like that could have made my day a year ago!
Love my chickens!!!

your Betty is one lucky chicken to have escaped that fate! I have a Betty as well, a BR, who is mesmerizing with her stink eye glare... I could watch her for hours... Zen is the right description for me too...
When we first got our chickens my husband had some medical problems and couldn't do much but rest and hang out with the chickens. They were so entertaining and funny. So wonderful to watch them doing their chicken thing and getting to know their personalities. We called them "cheep" therapy.

We love them. Sitting in the coop with them and having a chat at the end of the day(we kind of bawk to each other), or holding and patting them is really relaxing and a wonderful stress reliever.
They are the best pets ever!
Yes, chickens are great to have around and each definitely has its own personality. We have over 30 chickens running around in the yard during the day, and it's simply awesome. I tell them each night when I close the coops, "love you babies," and they answer with a chirp or a growl of some sort. : )
Bought 6 chicks in March. Lost one and assumed all were hens. Well, Bulah turned out to be a Buster! He's one handsome bird and we love him. My girls love him too. He's a great protector but very gentle with the family members. Never thought I would get so attached! LOL
If you have ever picked up one of your girls and had them almost cooing back to you, then you will know why I love my girls so much. They can be clucking, but when I pick one of them up, their "voice" changes to a softer sound making me feel like I am being showered with "chicken love".
I was given 3 hens and a rooster...didn't know NOTHING and found Gina by accident. So glad I did cause I built my coop from here and all my info from the good chickens friends on here. I now in the process of adding on to the coop and moving the fence way back so they can have more room. I love talking with them...seems like they understand and the Road Island Red has me clucking. Yes they are a joy.

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