Why do you guys give your chickens apple cider vinegar?

I've had hatches that were 8:1 male, 6:2 males, 4:0 males, etc.  For the sheep, there was one male to 4 females.  For the rabbits the female kits outnumbered the males by 8:2, 7:1, 5:3, etc.  Always the females outnumbered the males by a large margin with the consistent use of the ACV.

I wonder if this works for humans! Lol. My daughter is wanting a baby girl. She has two little boys. Hmmmmm. Maybe i should be advising her to drink acv.
Don't use AVC in metal! it will rust it!
I'm confused about this also. I know you can use ACV to clean rust off stainless steal. So how does it cause the steel to rust? And will it rust even if it's heavily diluted?
My chicks will be switching from a mason jar/ metal-base water system to a plastic gallon water system once they move outside in a few weeks, and I'd hate to replace their temporary water system when they'll be switching soon anyway.

Also, just ordered my gallon of Bragg's Raw Unfiltered AVC on Amazon. Be here in two days. Gotta love Prime membership!
I'm confused about this also. I know you can use ACV to clean rust off stainless steal. So how does it cause the steel to rust? And will it rust even if it's heavily diluted?
My chicks will be switching from a mason jar/ metal-base water system to a plastic gallon water system once they move outside in a few weeks, and I'd hate to replace their temporary water system when they'll be switching soon anyway. 

Also, just ordered my gallon of Bragg's Raw Unfiltered AVC on Amazon. Be here in two days. Gotta love Prime membership! 
Stainless steel should not rust no matter what you do to it. You can indeed use ACV with stainless steel. But most metal waterers, including the ones that have the mason jar, are galvanized steel and it will indeed corrode those.
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Another great thread. Thanks everyone. I personally have mixed up ACV with honey and aloe vera gel with water as a health drink for years. I've always had acid reflux and colitis issues, and this mixture has saved me. So, gonna tweak it for the birds. Also gonna make my own vinegar, sounds super easy;)

Just to defend the guy/gal suggesting bleach. If you drink water from a tap or ice in your drink, its not really different. In fact, if SHTF, most survival guides rec bleach to purify water. Is it ideal, NO. but if done correctly, its really not any worse than filling your water containers with water from a hose. Ya want to learn about toxic, look up flouride. Or look up what diet soda has in it, or regular pop has in it. Just saying, alot of us don't have access or the money for pure water:(

But once again, thanks everyone for the awesome knowledge, I'm gonna just use regular ACV and call it a day, until my home brew is ready;)
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It is said that -
Apple Cider vinegar benefits are:
*Reduces intestinal and fecal odors.
*Aids in digestion.
*Helps to break down minerals and fats.
*Assists the animal to assimilate proteins.
*Assists the animal to convert food better.
*It lowers the pH of the digestive tract which will make an environment less welcoming to pathogens therefore may reduce common infections and increases resistance to disease.
*Improves stamina and fertility.
*It is a great overall tonic that will improve the general well being of the animal.
If started while Birds are young (1-1/2 to 2weeks), birds
*Will feather out quicker.
*Are hardier.
*Grow to their potential sooner when used with an adequate feed.

Apple Cider Vinegar is rich in the vitamins, minerals and trace elements found in apples, especially potassium. It will normalize pH levels in the stomach, improve digestion and the assimilation of nutrients.

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) wont work as a "Natural" Wormier it has little affect on worms.

As for what type of Apple Cider Vinegar to use, any type of Raw Apple Cider Vinegar with mother (It doesn't have to be organic) will work.

Do not use metal water dishes (except stainless steal).
Vinegar should not be used internally with animals that have an irritated lining of the intestinal tract.
Do not use Apple Cider Vinegar wile treating for worms or coccidiosis.


I didn't see it in this thread (maybe I missed it?) but I'm going to ask. Can you not use the apple cider vinegar that you can get at Walmart? Is it considered "raw"?
I didn't see it in this thread (maybe I missed it?) but I'm going to ask. Can you not use the apple cider vinegar that you can get at Walmart? Is it considered "raw"?
It must say "Raw" "unfiltered". It has a "mother" in it, a yeasty clotty stuff that is alive with good bacteria. You can buy regular ACV from walmart and add a mother from Braggs, or another, raw ACV and let it sit for a few weeks and make more much cheaper this way.
Can we buy it in Canada? I see you can order it from Amazon.com but can it be shipped to Canada, I.e. Ontario? Nowhere could I find the cost to ship to Ontario.

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