Why i do not want GMO in my food or my pets food

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Jak , I do not care if you nock organic I just want the people who work for monsantos to suffer as others are and will

You can change my words around like Most people with your Brain waves can. I think between us i bet out of your whole family my iq will top them all combind.
I have worked in many Government jobs and if you will Mentally Ill ? LMAO are you name calling now because you have No way to win what is already posted as fact ?
Eat what you will . be who you are but i still wish that workers of monsantos from the top to the bottom will suffer as they have caused many already to suffer. Long life is what i wished upon them Not suffering I stated they can then watch their loved ones suffer as many of us are watching .
Switch my words around ? WHat ever i graduated at 14 yrs old im out of kindergarden and it seems your mind is still playing those games .

If you don't like MY thread GET OFF!
Jak i do not wear makeup ,the list of Clothing tissue excetra is NON food Items and I do not eat them.

I can not have salt or sugar

Peppers can be grown and i do not like Black pepper I actually have Banana trees , Citrus trees and so on growing here in oregon out side
i have the luck of being a person who has been into my own food for many yrs i was diagnosed having agent orange cancer when i was 7 yrs old there for I have had to be careful.
thanks to your Beloved Monsanto's
I don't understand why the anti-gmo folks keep saying things like "of course the non organic people are going to say gmos are ok! They're trying to make money!" How's that any different than believing whatever the organic companies tell you? They're all trying to make money and they're all going to tell you why their product is good and the other is bad...
Can you all Just go look and see How many Organic foods are out there Killing people and animals ?
So go read something get educated

Now go look at how many people are dead from GMO better yet look at how many Agent Orange cancer victums Monsantos Made
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