Why is my chicken loosing all her feathers in July?


In the Brooder
Mar 29, 2023
She has been suffering with bumblefoot (we tried to remove it last week) and is hobbling around limping and now loosing all her feathers. We keep cleaning out the foot but it doesn’t seem to be healing. Is this a serious molt from stress?
Aww, she's a cutie!

She may be molting from the stress of having bumblefoot and the heat.
Also I know that age can be a factor.

I would try giving her some electrolytes to give her a boost.
Hi! Shell need extra protein. I would give her all flock.
... I have one hen that molts in summer, might be normal for her?
I’ve actually never seen her moult before. I have been giving her lots of meal worms to hopefully help.
Aww, she's a cutie!

She may be molting from the stress of having bumblefoot and the heat.
Also I know that age can be a factor.

I would try giving her some electrolytes to give her a boost.
I will pick some up for her. I never thought of that. Thanks ☺️
Molting can happen really any season (at least with my birds) In fact, mine is molting right now! heres stuff to keep in mind.

-Try to avoid picking her up. They are sensitive during this time

-She probably won’t lay eggs, or will lay very little

-I up the calcium just a bit to help with eggs and feather production

-If theres feather explosions in random spots or in the coop, she should definitely be molting. If she seems a little off, this can be related to molting, but a whole bunch of symptoms and severe loss in weight could be something serious

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