Why is she so Fluffy?


8 Years
May 17, 2011
Each night I check on the girls before they settle in and I noticed one of my BO appears huge. She is all fluffed up. Today they are all out and about and I noticed she is still fluffier than the others. As a note, 10 days ago it was 90 degrees and yesterday it SNOWED. Is this something I should be concerned about? Thanks
I call mine the Fluff Orpingtons because they are a very feathery breed.

Can you post a picture?
LOL :) We have 2 bo's, one of which is called Fluffy the other is Big Mama, except Fluffy is smaller than the other.Sometimes { because of pecking order} they can make themselves look bigger.
We have 3 BO, 3EE, 3SLW and 3BR and she is the only one who is all Puffed up. She looks huge compared to the others.
Ours gets like that when she is going broody. She walks around all puffy and clucks alot. Then she goes back into the house to wait for the others to finish laying. So far she hasn't been setting the eggs at night, but from past experience she will be soon. I love it when they fluff up so much that they fill the nest box with their bodies. It's fun to put my fingers into all that fluff and pet them.
Ok, this might be it. Lately she spends more time than usual in her nest box....

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