Why raise Quails?


In the Brooder
Sep 21, 2016
I know this is a silly question, BUT.....

I got into chickens last year. On perusing supplies, I have found that there are quail egg turners. My question is: What's the deal with quail?

Are you guys raising them to eat? to turn loose into the wild? you like having them around? What?
They are raised for eggs, meat and or pets. The interesting thing about quail eggs is that if you are allergic to chicken eggs, you CAN eat quail eggs!

They are just fun little birds to keep around, and for those that can't keep poultry in the city limits, quail aren't yet considered "poultry" and are allowed to be kept.

Releasing quail is illegal and requires a permit/license to do so. Releasing hand/pen raised quail is sending them off to their deaths, as they bond with humans and learn to be fed from containers. They don't last long in the wild if not raised professionally to be released.

Stop by our Learning Center, (tab at the top of this page) and do some reading in our Other Poultry section, there are many articles on getting started with quail and how to raise them.

Good luck with your poultry adventures! :)
I do not keep quail because the need to be in cages or secure closed runs. They would fly away from my chicken run area......

Peeps raise to eat them. They also eat their eggs. The eggs are small but supposed to be slightly more nutritious. I have read that quail eggs given to children going thru chemotherapy act similar to cannabis given to adults at same situation. For that reason quail eggs are preferred. Some peeps keep the quail as pets. Taken outdoors when grown, I think they could split on you.
Quail eggs are healthier option. They are superior to chicken eggs, with far more health benefits, more vitamins and minerals, and less calories! Quail eggs are the only dietetic egg, meaning they contain only the good cholesterol. They contain 6 times more Vitamin B1 and 15 times more Vitamin B2 than chicken eggs.

Health Benefits of quail eggs:
* They are the richest in vitamins and minerals then all other bird eggs.
* They improve metabolism and combat stress.
* They help with asthma, obesity, various forms of allergies, hypertension, liver disease and kidney.
* Other and older cultures consider quail eggs as a medicine for many ailments.
* They are the most alkaline food you can eat.
* Today quail eggs most widely used in treatment of bronchitis, nervous system, kidney and liver.

To be all of the above the fact that quails make no noise. Living in a suburban area I wanted to be considerate to my neighbors. Quail males do make some noise but it's nowhere close to chickens.
Hope this helps
I picked quail over chicken even though my municipality allows chickens. Why?

- They take up very little space
- They mature and start laying in a fraction of the time required for chickens
- They don't make as much noise, especially roosters
- They have a shorter biological cycle which forces you to learn how to incubate chicks. A drawback for some, but a plus for me since I am interested in learning the whole shebang
- I can buy chicken eggs at the local store for a few dollars. Quail eggs, not so much.
- I can keep quail roosters, while chicken roosters are strictly forbidden by local code

The space and noise considerations were key. The backyard already has beehives, raised bed garden, pergola, mountain of firewood, etc.
Hunters like to hatch the eggs and raise the quail to keep their bird dogs trained during the off season. I also sell eggs to an individual who raises hawks and he uses the quail to teach his hawks to hunt. I also hatch chicks for bird hunting clubs to raise and use for their clients.

It really boils down to what type of quail breed you raise. I mainly have breeds you would find wild in the western United States and stay away form the Coturnix. Coturnix breeds are more for meat raising and egg eating.

And there are those that raise button quail....well....because they are so stinking small.

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Great comments! Thanks everyone. I've been considering a small flock of quail for years. I personally enjoy having livestock but live in a neighborhood and don't have plans to live on more acreage in the near future. I love birds and it seems like quail would be fun and productive.

Can anyone provide feedback about their personalities? I'm sure it depends on the breed and the individual quail but if they are handled regularly can the be comfortable with humans? I don't need a lap quail but wouldn't enjoy raising birds that were too flighty or wild.
Coturnix quails are very calm and will love you especially if you have mealworms in your hand.

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