Why soy free?? (And the effects of soy)

Anything GMO, is not going to digest in the GI tract like a natural substance, period. In moderation soy is okay, in high amounts not very good for humans or bad. There is always going to be some article say'n this is good or this is bad. If you eat something and it make you feel bad or sleepy, the solution is simple don't eat it. People avoid food that will put them into anaphylactic shock, but will continue to eat things that make them feel bad. Dut duh duuuhhh... One of the biggest problems is the political backed monopolies and the propaganda they push. Hmmm, monsanto... I would never eat that chemically sprayed crap or not on purpose. Personally I don't think the average person is smart enough to out think the propagandist executives. They don't either, that's why I'm not a piece of meat for the machine anymore, they taught me too well!

Still rings true Forty years later!

Words and music by John Kay

We'll call you when you're six years old
And drag you to the factory
To train your brain for eighteen years
With promise of security
But then you're free
And forty years you waste to chase the dollar sign
So you may die in Florida
At the pleasant age of sixty nine

The water's getting hard to drink
We've mangled up the country side
The air will choke you when you breathe
We're all committing suicide
But it's alright
It's progress folks keep pushin' till your body rots
Will strip the earth of all it's green
And then divide her into parking lots

But there's nothing you and I can do
You and I are only two
What's right and wrong is hard to say
Forget about it for today
We'll stick our heads into the sand
Just pretend that all is grand
Then hope that everything turns out ok

You're free to speak your mind my friend
As long as you agree with me
Don't criticize the father land
Or those who shape your destiny
'Cause if you do
You'll lose your job your mind and all the friends you knew
We'll send out all our boys in blue
They'll find a way to silence you

But there's nothing you and I can do
You and I are only two
What's right and wrong is hard to say
Forget about it for today
We'll stick our heads into the sand
Just pretend that all is grand
Then hope that everything turns out ok

Maybe they are eating more since it is actually balanced nutritionally to meet their needs.

If you really 'love' your birds I'd remain with the feed since it contains the amino acids, vitamins, and minerals the birds need for growth and longevity.
When I switched from a soy based feed to Countryside Naturals soy free, I noticed my chickens didn't stink anymore. Since we like to hang out with them a lot, this made a big difference to us.
I have no doubt there may be a seed or a few that get in with the leaves, however I see the damage yearly & the beans are still there. YES DEER DAMAGE to the leaves!! I've seen deer decimate the end rows to the point they never get beans. The farmer that rents our land blows away deer every year, no need to have major damage, but that is another story. I would like to see the data from the game commission of beans in deer stomachs other than a few. Do you routinely examine stomach contents? We have never seen it in the ones shot on our property, but then we have forests here in the east.
Glad to hear you like Countryside, as I am going to bite the bullet & order some. I will feed it along with the whole grains I have been feeding. I am totally done with Purina & the choices here are few. I did like Nature's Best organic, but didn't want to pay a premium price for just more soy.
"Huh? Which data did you use to determine the differences in digestibility of GMO versus non-GMO seeds?"

Not from mosanto data, lol. Do you really think a GMO anything is going to digest better than a natural non-GMO seed? Is this not obvious simple science. GMO's chemically change your DNA, human or animal. Soon people will be taking about GMO's and how they are carcinogens and actually make superior chemically resistant insects and bacteria.
You can't really be serious. Do you know that the corn, wheat, oats, barley and every other cash crop gets sprayed too??? The oranges, apples, bananas......

Organic grains are a different matter but who can afford that? In all honesty, I don't even think my grain mill could get me anything that hasn't been sprayed with herbicides or pesticides.

I know some Greenhouses spray Round-up on their flower crops to make them come into bloom. Poinsettias and Easter Lilies as examples. When the consumer buys them and the plant dies.........oh well.

Some researchers believe there is a link between soy and thyroid. They believe soy inhibits proper thyroid function. Some believe soy should only be eaten after it has been thru a fermenting process. Chinese Soy sauce is fermented.

The animal feed industry is a billion dollar soy dumping ground. A cheap way to add protein (corn is more expensive) and fiber.
Studies have shown Dogs, Cats and Horses cannot metabolize soy.
Glad to hear you like Countryside, as I am going to bite the bullet & order some. I will feed it along with the whole grains I have been feeding. I am totally done with Purina & the choices here are few. I did like Nature's Best organic, but didn't want to pay a premium price for just more soy.

yeah, the smell factor is a big plus. i'm a huge fan of Countryside and unless someone starts producing organic, soy-free locally, they've got my business until i can grow everything on my own. great product.
Glad to hear you like Countryside, as I am going to bite the bullet & order some. I will feed it along with the whole grains I have been feeding. I am totally done with Purina & the choices here are few. I did like Nature's Best organic, but didn't want to pay a premium price for just more soy.

Oh, I love their feed. They're nice folks at Countryside, too. They goofed and shipped me a bag of Icelandic kelp instead of what I ordered; when I called to tell them about their mistake, they let me keep the kelp and shipped me some feed on two day shipping (no charge) to make sure I didn't run out before I got the rest of my order.

By the way, you can cut shipping down by ordering a pallet (minimum of 10 bags). If you're not needing that much, you could try to find a few other people to organize a group buy.

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