Wild birds in the barn - what is a safe deterrent?


11 Years
Nov 30, 2012
Salt Lake City, Utah
🦅🐦 We have a big problem every winter here in Western Colorado with wild birds trying to over winter in our barn. Our chickens sleep in the barn in their coop and go out to their fenced in run through their electronic door that opens automatically in the morning. The barn is big, and the coop inside the barn is in a corner, surrounded by chicken wire so the chickens don’t have the run of the barn. Every winter we end up with 30-50 wild birds that get into the barn through the electronic chicken door. I’m sure they’re after the food AND the warm rafters to sleep in. I was thinking of using an ultrasonic bird deterrent but realized that would be bad for the chickens. Has anyone had success with other methods?
Do you know of anyone that uses one of those that actually works? We had one and it didn't work for rabbits much less birds.

Could you cut strips of plastic like 1" wide to hang over the chicken door either inside or outside of it so the door going up and down isn't affected? The chickens should get used to it but the birds won't.

If there are places they roost that chickens can't get to, make nail spike boards to nail to those places so they can't roost in there.

Keep any chicken feed sealed up other than their feeder.

Good luck!!

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