Wild... Wonderful... farm life in Almost Heaven


9 Years
Apr 22, 2012
My name is Julie, and I raise chickens on a cattle farm in West Virginia, mainly for production of omega -3 enhanced free-range eggs for local market. At this moment, I have... 148 Leghorns, Five Buff Orpingtons, Four RI Reds, and about twenty five Dark Cornish and 16 Jersey Giant peepers in the brooders. Oh, and one BO rooster, and One BO is brooding.

I've been doing this for three years, and this is my third episode of chicken interaction. Mother raised Leghorns when I was young, and I raised RI Reds for a while when I lived down south. The Broody BO is the first time I've 'allowed' one to go/stay broody, so this is a whole new adventure...

I've lurked here occasionally when I had a puzzle to solve, and found some helpful and/or just interesting information. At this point, the broody hen experience is proving to be a cluster of problems, so... ~*~ I'm Here! ~*~
Some more than others. I have one very sweet RI Red that thinks she's my dog... but Leghorns do not win any personality contests!
Welcome! I'm also from the Wild and Wonderful Hills of WV! We're in Jackson County (Southern) trying to build a homestead from scratch. What part of the state are you from? I'm loving the farming life. Not quite as many chickens as you, but we've been multiplying at an alarming rate :) We had our first broody this year as well but she refused to keep the peeps in the coop and something got her the other night. She was reduced to a pile of feathers but she saved all 9 chicks! So I took over her job and they're in the dining room :) Hope your broody is working out a little better than ours!
from Alabama. Glad you joined us.
We're in Greenbrier County - a bit south of you, I think, and marking off my fifth year at 'return to farm' life in August. We're sort of rebuilding my husbands' grandparents' farm; they farmed here (alone) into their 90's. It's... not a small place, so there's a LOT of work to do - but not as bad as starting from scratch!

Sorry to hear about your hen (geez, I thought *I* had headaches!) Mine may not hatch the current clutch of eggs - I opened a thread on another board here, seeking input (she changed nests). I had a request for hatching eggs & was saving, so I can give her another set if it's a fail, but... she's already been sitting for nearly two weeks and I am apprehensive about starting her over - will she give up?, etc. I hadn't planned on letting her into the wide open until the chicks feathered - paranoia, ya know - there are no bulls in the barn lot to protect them right now. I figured she has plenty of space in there, once I pull out the donor hens/rooster, and I bring the salad bar to *her*.

I got BO's because of their rep. for broodiness, hoping to get out of the job myself. They are SO much calmer than Leghorns, it's hard to believe they're the same species. But, the Leghorns earn their keep, and the others don't. Baldy pays her way with adoration, lol. What strain was your heroic hen?

Numbers are actually low right now - the post office routed both of my last two chick orders through Pittsburgh instead of Charleston, and the losses were heavy (which was why I needed a nap and missed the nest swap).
welcome from SE Ga. I had a hen go broody on me about 4 weeks ago so my DW talked me into letting her set. So I gave in to 2 eggs. What could it hurt if I lose 2 eggs when I am getting 8-10 eggs a day. So last Tuesday I went out to collect eggs and there was 2 beautiful fuzz balls in the box with her. I snatched them up and have been caring for them in the dining room. During the last week of setting I had another go broody on me so I started giving her one egg a day til she ended up with five to set. Well the first one was still trying to set on the new eggs so what did I do, chicken math, she now has 7 eggs to set. I guess as long as I let her set eggs she will stay broody. we will see.

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