Will a llama, donkey, sheep, goat or alpaca deter hawks?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 26, 2012
I'll spare the gory details but we've had a really really rough year with Hawks. I've tried searching online and in the forums... but does anyone know if any livestock might keep Hawks away? We have two small to medium breed dogs that will eventually be outside most of the day (right now they're still puppies). We have roosters. We have guineas. Our birds are all large sized. We've lost at least one of everything to the Hawks. They've stalked them, surprised them, and gone inside the coop. I'm trying to fence in a back pasture to free range the chickens and was planning on sharing the space with livestock. If I free range them I'm thinking of decorating every darn tree with whatever shiny I can find to scare the hawks away. Otherwise I'm going to give up and reduce our flock until we can afford to put them all into chicken tractors of some kind.
Quote: And they will continue to do so, no matter what other animals happen to be around
You can never really "deter" a hawk more than just temporarily

They will attack any bird that is vulnerable when they are hungry, and they will sit and wait until the right time

I'd lock the birds up for a few days and hope the hawks move on

Yeah... that's what we've done so far. Everytime one comes around it will just keep coming until it gets something... If I keep everyone locked inside for 2-3 days the Hawk will go away... but we'll have another one a couple weeks later... and usually we discover that one's back by finding a hawk having "lunch"... We have a movable coop but it's 10 by 10 - we're planning on putting it on an old wagon... but I don't even know how we'd be able to make some kind of movable run or something to attach to it.

Anyway thanks! I didn't really think any livestock would help but I thought it was worth a try!

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