will having chickens take care of my weeds?


In the Brooder
12 Years
Apr 8, 2007

I am getting some chickens, and some eggs, and all the stuff that goes with 'em!

My question has to do with chickens doing yard work. The "garden" in the "way back" of our property (1.2 acres) is full of weeds, like 2 feet tall, ugly weeds. I was just out there cutting them down and they were so full of bugs that I wondered if I should just leave them so the chickens can partake of all the yummy bugs and seeds, when they are old enough? Also, if my (future) chickens eat weed seeds will they repopulate my yard with weeds when they poop? Also...I would like to put my broilers there, it is a very large garden, do you think they could turn those weeds into nothing like I've heard chickens do to grass and anything else green in their pen? Last but not least, is there anyone out there who raises worms to give their chickens? I also want a laying flock and think making worm compost and giving worms to the hens would be cool.

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Hello! I would leave it up to your chickens. Be careful though because if you leave them there long enough, they might eat everything and before you know it, the whole area could be just dirt. I am not sure about them pooping and regrowing the weeds but that could be possible. My chickens eat earthworms and they love it!!!
especially my bantam silkies. Hope this post helps!
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thanks chickens,

I read online on http://www.journeytoforever.org/farm_library/oliver/oliver2b.html about how they are coming up with sustainable farming methods and one interesting idea that I saw involved putting 50000 earthworms into the center of the floor of the coop in a pit . They cover the earthworm pit with wire or something and the earthworms multiply and start to show up in areas outside the covered part that the chickens then peck at and eat. Apparently the poo from the chickens is adequate food for the earthworms and so the cycle continues. This is, of course, a very rough overview of something I read several days ago, but the idea is so intriguing. In nations where no "chicken feed" is available how do they keep a flock of layers or potential dinners?? interesting ideas..


Actually the article is about much, much more than just earthworms for chickens, and says that if the chickens are fed adequate food they will only eat 7-9 earthworms a day. The article, and the one following it goes into a way to supplement the hens with sprouts also, very interesting.
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Hi there, I say yes leave the weeds ! We've got 5 acres & we only have a push mower, so there's alot that grows tall in the back of our place.I'll take the chickens out there to graze & they find all sorts of bugs,seeds etc...
I would be careful giving your chickens earthworms though.They can give your chickens internal parasites. If they free range you can't control what they eat... I have an area I compost but it is far away from where they range.
Maybe someone else can give ya some more advice,good luck!

Have a good evening,Miriam

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