Will My Cracked Egg Still Hatch?

To everyone that has added to this thread over the years thank you. I just found a little crack in one of my eggs. I don't have any nail polish or wax, what I do have on hand is super glue. I know it can't be the best thing but it is what I have. I will keep everyone in the loop if this works or not. This thread has been very insightful and a lot of knowledge has been shared here, thanks for taking the time and contributing.
I have a pekin duck egg that is cracked all over and the shell is getting real soft. The hatch day isn't till the 27th of this month, which is only a couple days away. I can see the feathers on the duckling through the egg. Will it be alright?
Well, technically, it's 5 days away.... I'd keep it, unless it starts to smell bad.... Also, you might not want to keep opening your bator to feel the shell. You risk drying that membrane and binding the duckling.

I'd just let it rest and finish up. Does it make any noise yet? Does it move any?

How did the shell get all cracked up?
I have a broody hen sitting on them, and I guess it was bad because, yesterday when I went to collect chicken eggs it was gone, I couldn't find it anywhere.
Just went out to the coop and found a cracked egg
I sealed it with wax and I'm hoping for the best! It's only day 5 of 21!
I don't think dyeing chicks is a good idea. Imagine if we did this to children - people would be in an outrage.

Chicks are living creatures that should not have to be subjected to silly treatments like being injected with dye inside the egg.
Help! My duck was sitting on 6 eggs and they were due to hatch in a few days. Went to candle them this morning and there was only 1 left with a huge missing shell piece on the end opposite the air pocket. I think crows got to her eggs. The membrane is intact but exposed. Thus far the duckling is still moving. The shell is too damaged to wax as there are no pieces to wax into place. I think it's about 2-3 days from hatch. I have it in the incubator now. Any suggestions on how to give it the best chance? Should I keep that membrane moist where it's exposed? I know it's slim but I have to try.

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