Will My Cracked Egg Still Hatch?

I have a bantam egg that has a crack, I didn't know to seal it so I just left it. I can't see it moving I don't know if it is alive, matter of fact none of my eggs seem to be moving. Help me, please!!!

under a hen? I think I'd remove it, if it's not too important (like an expensive shipped egg or something). Hens can be rough with their eggs. I'd be afraid it would break all over the other eggs.
thank you, but my brother was messing with them and one broke, he came in and told me. I asked him about the others, he said they smelled rotten {hopefully they were} because he threw them to the pigs.
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I have a question Friday one of my hens broke a egg on six eggs that are do to hatch three days later. I wiped them with a dry towel cleaned the box and put them back with mom how was sitting next to me waiting. For future reference what would be the best plain of action?
So a few days ago my son came home with some fertile chicken eggs courtesy of his grandma. Though completely unprepared, we decided to incubate them. I did some quick research and made an incubator. Just hours after we started incubating, I was playing around with the humidity trying to get it just right, but I got too much water on the towel the eggs were sitting on so I decided to change it out with a new one. Well I accidentally cracked one of the eggs. It's more of a dime sized dent with cracks going outward. I found this thread and went with Elmers glue to seal it. I also candled it to find additional cracks that were hard to see and sealed those as well. So now it's day 5 and so far it looks like the cracked egg is the only one developing. It actually looks great. I'm curious what the odds are that this egg will make it. Nothing leaked out of the egg so I'm assuming the membrane wasn't affected. But it was cracked literally about 3 hours after incubation started.
Just wanted to share my appreciation for this thread as well.

I'm on day 17 of a chicken hatch and whoever put the incubator lid on last managed to puncture one of the eggs. The membrane is punctured but the chick was moving, so I've candlewaxed the cracks and put some plastic wrap on the hole to help keep it moist. Chances are super slim that this one will survive, but maybe? I may start lockdown tonight instead of tomorrow just in the hopes of helping this little guy along.
I got some shipped eggs all seemed fine, when they were ready to go in incubator, I put them in octagon 40 with separators, and when I put the cardboard tube at the end of the row to fill the space, the tube expanded ever so slightly, I heard a "tish" sound I hoped it was the sound of cardboard only, but one of my eggs dented in the side. I covered with nail polish, but it is pretty dented. I have it in a separate incubator, and will keep an eye on it. it is day 3 it is developing like the other eggs currently, the air cell does look a bit big, but maybe the egg was older.
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Thanks for this thread!!!
I had 3 broodies fighting over my hatching eggs. Plus, I had them in the coop where the laying hens were also climbing in and out. Took me a while, but I have learned my lesson. I have a cracked egg.
I took my proven reliable broody (Marans) and put her in her own private box where she can have peace away from anyone else. I used candle wax on the crack. They are day 16. I think perhaps the broody heat melted the wax away? The wax appears gone but I'm hoping some is still down in the crack to seal where it is really needed. Mom is happy, movement in both eggs upon candleing. Fingers crossed.

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