Will my new turkey become tame?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 15, 2010
SE Tennessee
Well, I finally found a bourbon red hen for our pet tom, but she was raised in a pen with a lot of other turkeys (I know, surprise, surprise LOL) and is pretty freaked out when we get close to her quarrantine pen. Will she ever get used to people or take treats from our hand? Our tom follows us around like a dog, and I'd like her to be able to hang out with him eventually. She's only about 6 months, so I'm hoping with time, she'll settle down. Any tips?
She's still young and she's a Bourbon so I've got all the faith in the world that if you take it slow and easy around her and of course give her plenty of treats she'll be a HUGE Pain in the butt soon enough. My suggestion? Grapes.
Mine love cracked corn. The 5 heritage birds I have are not as friendly as the BBB's I have, but they are coming around slowly. They avoided me completely at first, and now they run to me. They still won't take food out of my hand.

Give them time, and treats. Makes it easier to catch on butcher day.
Thanks everyone. She won't touch the treats I leave in her pen, but she is eating her food well, so I'm just giving her a tiny bit of food at a time, so she'll associate me with the food. Hopefully, by the time she's ready to join the others, she at least won't run away.
We use the electric poultry netting, which a turkey could really fly over, so I can't let her out until she feels 'at home'.

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