will one degree make a difference ?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Feb 23, 2008
Thomasville Ga
Hi everyone! I'm really new to trying to hatch eggs and there are a few things that I'm not quite sure about. Mainly the temperature. I bought a still air incubator and a digital hydrometer. I cannot get my temperature to sit at 99.5. Its always one degree higher or lower. Is this ok or will it affect my eggs or chicks?
Hi , mine does same thing.........and it is not a problem........at all.....as long as there is no huge temp changes......... it will be okay.......good luck with your hatch. I am in the middle of my own.with temps holding as yours are......and only 4 eggs good so far.but the ones I lost were shipped......and they say those are harder to hatch out.... hope it goes well for you !
I said the samething lightbread.

I thought after my power was off over the night that they where gonners. Then after day 18 my temp jumped to 103- 106F. I sat for those last 3 days to adjust the temps and I thought about unplugging the bator. Everyone on here told me to leave it alone so I did. 11 out of 15 hatched
Wow! I guess you were really glad u didnt unplug it?!! Thats great!! This is a GREAT place to get answers and plenty of support.

Another question: should I keep adding eggs as they are laid or should i wait until the ones I have in the bator already hatch before I add new ones?
Sorry I missed the still air part. That's what I get for reading too quickly! Yes, Chris is right, you need it to be a little higher overall, but an average is what you want, just a higher average for still air.
Watch the height of your thermometer. On my last hatch with my forced
air Little Giant I tested the temp at many levels. On the tray it was 98-99,
the thermometer I had at egg height was around 100.5, and the temp at the
top was as high as 103. My water wiggler was spot on at 99 to 100.

Another new trick I learned was to take an old metal multitool/pocketknife
and put a thermometer on that. It lifted the thermometer to egg height
and acted as a heat sink to give me more stable and accurate readings.

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