Will the mother lead them to the water?


6 Years
Feb 26, 2013
NW Georgia
My broody is hatching chicks; 3 out of 7 eggs so far, starting Saturday night. I'm just worried, with the heat, they may need water. They're still in the nesting box w/ Mama at the moment. Just not sure when she'll try to get them down or if I need to do something.
Its up to you, the can survive 36-48 hours without food and water (under normal conditions) but if you are worried about them you can remove one chick at a time and dip its beak in water, it will then drink on its own. Dont remove them all at once though because mama might freak out and leave the nest to come to her chicks rescue. She will leave the nest once she thinks that all the chicks have hatched, about 24-48 hours after the first chick has hatched. Good luck and keep us posted!

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