Will this cross produce a good egg laying Easter egger?


Feb 10, 2024
Australia - Northern Territory
I have a Black Araucana rooster and some brown commercial layers (isa brown). I am looking to get some Hy-lines and want to cross them with my Araucana rooster to get great egg laying Easter Eggers. Would the F1 offspring be good egg layers with green eggs?
I have hatched about 20 chicks from the Araucana and isa browns and they either come out black or blonde. I have had one chipmunk. Are these sex linked or is it just random due to the amount of breeds in the commercial layers heritage?
Any other info on breeding to sell quality Easter eggers would be greatly appreciated. If I’m going to spend money setting up, I’d like to get it right. TIA
The f1 offspring would be good laying EEs. If you get a light or dark coloured araucana cock and a PBR hen it would be a sexlink with cocks being born with barring
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ISA brown and most other red commercial hybrids are single copy dominant white, this means each chick has a 50% chance of hatching white regardless of gender.
They should make good layers of green eggs if your Araucana rooster is pure and has two copies of the blue gene. Egg production may not be as good as the ISA brown though as they are bred to be high producers.
I second Rock17, using your black Araucana over Barred Plymouth Rock will produce sex-links, this will mean you don't have to raise as many unneeded cockerels and can sell guaranteed pullets from day 1
The reason I am looking at using Hy-Lines or some other commercial egg layer is because they are all but guaranteed to be good egg layers. I’d like to use a heritage breed like Plymouth rocks but I can be guaranteed of the stock. If I’m better off using heritage breeds I’m also happy to look into that.

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