Will this work for a coop??


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jan 18, 2010
Northern Rhode Island

I was Home Depot the other day and saw this potting shed , http://shedsusa.com/products/potting.asp
I can't find a pic of the inside but where the clear plexi roof is I can put my roosts.

My concern is - will that be too cold for them in a new england winter? I can put a heat lamp inside if needed. ALso, right now I only have 9 chicks, my other 1/2 doesn't knwo I am looking forward to getting a few more next year LOL shhhh.

Any thoughts? I do have a coop already picked out. Oh and it wouldn't cost what they are asking - my guy is a carpenter and I have already gotten some reclaimed wood for my original coop design.

I think it would be a good basis for a coop, sure! Lots of room to do what ever you wanted to inside.
There is tons of room inside, I can have a next box added to the outside.

Any thoughts about it being too cold or anything with that plexi roof? I'm in New England.

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