

In the Brooder
10 Years
May 15, 2009
Trumbull County Ohio
Quick question.

I am completely new to this and I am trying to make the plans for our coop. What size and how many windows should we have? The coop will be 8'x8' and have a 30 inch man door and a 12"x12" door to the run. Also we don't plan on putting a floor in so that we can do the deep litter method for the extra heat during the winter. Where we are in Ohio the temps greatly change (sometimes daily) Highs usually don't go about 85 and lows don't get below 0.

For what it's worth, this is my 8x8 and I have two of the same windows. One is built into the door. The windows themselves are good size, I'm guessing almost 5 footers.



Of course you can use any size you want.

I have two large (3x4) windows and I still wish I had more. Sunlight = good. I really wish I had some sort of window (or even better, a glass door) on the west side as it would provide the best light. Oh well, next time.
I got a cool idea from someone else on here. She used windows as pop doors. She took one pane of glass out, so hers wouldn't shut, but I think I am just going to use a normal window and open it or shut it as I please. It will be a big pop door but that's not a huge problem.
i set mine up so the windows operated from the outside. seems like a good move.
i have four 20 X 23 panels top hinged with stops and locks in a 6 X 8 coop. never have to enter the coop to open or close.
the two front windows and the west facing one we can open from the the outside. the east facing one we have to go into the run to open or close, we pretty much leave that one opein
in are current coop i built drop drown doors on the out side and chincken wire inside for windows now on the new "super" coop i have an old sliding glass door ill be laying drown on its side for a window and im thinking of building an old style rised center roof for better venting
I will also be using windows that will open from the outside and hinged at the top. I was wondering what kind of stops and locks you used? I've been trying to figure that one out, so the windows don't come crashing down. Any pictures?

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