wing clipping


9 Years
Aug 10, 2010
West Dundee IL
so i had to clip my ee's wing today. I only have a mixed flock of 4 hens but the ee seems pretty flighty. is this typical of the breed? anyway, she has never been a warm and fuzzy type and we couldnt get our hands on her during the day so I waited till she was roosting tonight and picked her up and tried to comfort her then opened the wing up and cut the feathers. tha part was fine but the process seemed pretty disturbing to her. should I not have done it at that time? new to this so could use any info
I have one EE in my mixed flock of 4 also. I clipped her wing a few weeks ago and she did just fine. She is the hardest one to catch but when I am out with them she followes me like a shadow! We have had her about 6 weeks now and it took a bit to warm up to me. I would just go outside with them and baby talk to them and wouldn't touch them. I would bring them treats, now like I said she is my little shadow!!

Next time maybe try to do the clipping near dusk. Use a towel to restrain the bird and be sure to cover her face. The inability to see what's going on help diminish the trauma/fear aspect. You may also want to try using doggie/kitty toenail clippers (the kind with the rounded blades that cut like scissors) and cut one feather at a time. Those kind are usually quieter that a big pair of scissors and that scary metal cutting sound. We clip our African Grey regularly for 10 years now and the face cover seems the most important factor.

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