Winter Gardens/ Greenhouse!

What kind of poppy is that? The leaves look very different from my poppies.
Also I have it wrapped around another plant so it won't fall. That's what you are seeing, I think. Sorry for the confusion!
This is the poppy plant.
How long does it take for Black Eyed Susans to sprout from seed?

Even the luffa was up before them, and luffa are picky about everything, when it comes to sprouting.
I planted mine in early march and they started coming up in April and bloomed in June. But if you plant them now and keep up with the water they should sprout sooner.
Also here are the sunflowers in the greenhouse! I know they’d do fine being started from seed in the ground once it’s nice enough, I’m just experimenting! But please tell me what I’m doing wrong to get the crusty leaves!

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