Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

ok, talked to my neighbor friend and she says TAKE the eggs from the crazy duck! So tonight I gave broody butt back her golf balls and she cuddled and stuffed them under her like a treasure!!! So tomorrow I am building her a broody box, getting the eggs and letting her have at it!

WHooo-Hoooo! CHicken math at work! LOL! Terri O
Go Mama Broody Butt!!!!
Summer winding down, only a few quail eggs left in the incubator. Now just lots of extra birds to sell before winter. Ameraucanas, Marans, Spitzhaubens, Cochins. Also runner ducks and cayugas. Lots of roosters of course, but thats the way it goes, good quality, just get too many. Hope everyones summer and fall is going well too

Nice to see ya pop in barlracer.
Marans and Cayugas, huh? On my list but not this year.
What a day!!!

Started off with coffee downtown and picked up copies of the ordinances for fencing and extra outbuildings. Then I came home and loaded up the van with all the extra cr@p from the kids (clothes, toys, stuffed animals etc...) and took it all to goodwill. Ordered the T-shirts for the Dirty Girl run, picked up country style ribs from the local butcher for tonight's supper, and then hit the farm stand on the way home to pick up another dozen ears of sweet corn. Came home, removed furniture from the one room we are working on so mu DH and BIL could get it just about finished this afternoon. Took the kids swimming for an hour, met up with FM at the beach, came home and stated making dinner for my family AND my sis and her hubby and her son plus my mom. Fresh tomatoes out of the garden with basil and mozz, drizzled with olive oil and some S&P, served on french bread.... YUMMY! I brought out some hard salami too... I do not think I needed to make the ribs or the corn at all! But we did and had some watermelon too... I am REALLY stuffed now... too much good food! BUT, the room is just about finished! I will be so happy to be back into a bigger bedroom! With a CLOSET!
Everything MUST be done by MONDAY.... so DH had better get his behind in gear!

One more week until the Ordinance meeting..... anyone besides Terri have a docile chicken to bring to the meeting?

I suppose I should get outside and sit with my DH around our fire.... of course the kiddos had to have s'mores tonight....

Hi all! I was so tired when I got back from riding that I had to take a short nap! LOL! Felt really good too. Picked a few cukes, peppers and maters (sorry Cind) and make up a salad for dinner. I think I will have DH put a steak on the grill...maybe make a packet of potatoes too. MMMM!

So nothing new here at all. The horse ride was great except for having to jump start my truck. I think the battery must be gong...had to do it again to get it back into the driveway after unloading the horses. I am going to go to town now and take it and see if it goes...I have to pick up the rest of my feed and go to t he bank.

Guess I better get to it!
Terri O
Hey Terri,
I work at an auto parts store now!! I can perhaps get you a discount!! want me to see if I can? Text me the particulars on your truck.
Glad you had fun!!
Chickens here are doing well. And after talking to Kristi P, she said you and I seem to be having the same issue with chicks. According to a lady Joan gave some horses to, she has chickens as well (not much online though). she rattled off some name of a disease that the parents can carry, and it can be passed on to chicks, OR it comes from the ground where the egg is laid...
Anyway I described the symptoms, and she said it was this thing... only certain chicks are sick/slightly ill, sneezing, snot, snot or gunk gluing eye or eyes shut, other chicks don't seem to catch it. She then rattled off some thing you can buy and put them on, and it "clears it right up".
Not sure if this is even partially helpful.
Well off to take meds, as I have a LOOONGG day tomorrow, including cleaning out chicken stalls.. bleh!!
What a day!!!

Started off with coffee downtown and picked up copies of the ordinances for fencing and extra outbuildings. Then I came home and loaded up the van with all the extra cr@p from the kids (clothes, toys, stuffed animals etc...) and took it all to goodwill. Ordered the T-shirts for the Dirty Girl run, picked up country style ribs from the local butcher for tonight's supper, and then hit the farm stand on the way home to pick up another dozen ears of sweet corn. Came home, removed furniture from the one room we are working on so mu DH and BIL could get it just about finished this afternoon. Took the kids swimming for an hour, met up with FM at the beach, came home and stated making dinner for my family AND my sis and her hubby and her son plus my mom. Fresh tomatoes out of the garden with basil and mozz, drizzled with olive oil and some S&P, served on french bread.... YUMMY! I brought out some hard salami too... I do not think I needed to make the ribs or the corn at all! But we did and had some watermelon too... I am REALLY stuffed now... too much good food! BUT, the room is just about finished! I will be so happy to be back into a bigger bedroom! With a CLOSET!
Everything MUST be done by MONDAY.... so DH had better get his behind in gear!

One more week until the Ordinance meeting..... anyone besides Terri have a docile chicken to bring to the meeting?

I suppose I should get outside and sit with my DH around our fire.... of course the kiddos had to have s'mores tonight....


BL4..wondering where you are... we joke about it, but my buff silkie Jewel is considered a Therapy chicken around here. All the kids that run around our yard and cry that the chickens just run away from them.. can pick her up with no problem. She talks a little ... but is very gentle and sweet. it is her saving grace because she has never laid an egg as long as she has lived with me ( 2 years now). You are welcome to borrow her.
Good to see/hear from Amber again.
I like your peppermint oil idea to keep the mice out. DH used to put dryer sheets under the hood of his truck to try to keep the mice from making nests n there, but they just used it for bedding
Awww, cute chickie pics! Why don't those buggers stay cute, or at least not get so darn ugly?

Tiki, cool link to the silo/house!

Terri, hope you figure out what's wrong with your chicks & that it isn't serious. You're right about avocados being bad for chickens. I read that somewhere too. So where did you order the Oxine from? I hope it works for your chick problems. I've heard a lot of ood stuff about it. And yes, it is the shift key that is to blame for the poofing of the posts.

DAS, thank you for posting that med link!

Jim, deep breaths. You can always find someone else to buy them. Someone with more foresight. As for your half eaten chicken, I'd suspect coon. Skunks are like possums: opportunistic eaters. If they find a carcass already dead, they'll eat it, but they won't kill an adult chicken. They might kill a chick, though, and they'd definitely steal eggs if they could find any.

Cute coop, Vic! Good luck with your broody.
Bigz, Point 2012

Cind, I feel your garden pain. We only got tomatoes planted this year, but with the extreme heat & drought down here, I'm kinda glad we didn't do more. I am pretty ticked about not getting any fruit this year, though.

Good luck, Bl4!

Sorry to all I missed but my eyes are getting crossed reading so many posts again. I spent the majority of the last 2 days in bed with what I hope is the turning point in my ongoing sinus infection. I feel much better today & the sinuses are draining like crazy. On the chickie front, I now have 3 Moosette broody butts!
And the latest one already had 4 egg under her.
Either she's got the prime box or she's got connections. I'm thinking the latter, because the box we usually find the most eggs in only had 1 in it today. Sneaky lil she-devils. But I took her eggs away and tossed her out with the flock, where she suprisingly stayed for quite a while. Now she's back to sitting on a golf ball.
Personally, I think it's all an act to avoid the advances of the 2 lav roos. I guess I need to decide which one of them I'm keeping. Anyway, enough prattling on. Better get to sleep. Think I'm even remotely tired?
Sweet dreams, all!
Good Morning All! tiki/Bl4 yup think if the Tigerton Dells bunch was still around he'd ride his bike there. Barl good to hear from you! Hope you thin your herd before winter. TO hope you figure out your truck woes maybe Carol can hep ya! Good luck with the chix too! BBP sounds like good eatin ahead for you. Ours will be butchered on the 28th they ought to be monsters. BL4
CC hope your feeling better soon! Sinus infections are NO fun. Must be gonna rain my knee hurts.
Made ho made chicken pot pie last night with all the goodies from the coop and garden. Gonna tweek the recipe a bit but not much.
I just get the biggest charge out letting the kids out in the mornings. Their out there making a racket and soon as they hear the back door close they get real quiet and listen for my footsteps.
Sometimes I mess with them and go to the garage or garden first.
I know I've said that numerous times before but it just tickles my innards, kinda like mountain dew used to. Ya-Hoo! For those of you short in the tooth that was their first slogan. Ya-Hoo Mountain Dew! It'll tickle your innards! Had a pic of a Kentuck and a shootin iron on the bottles. Yep bottles. Going to get the last of the freezer carrots done today.

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