Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Hi everyone! So fun to once again read up on what y'all are saying!

Loved the silo conversion pix Tiki! There's another interesting structure-on-a-silo just north of watertown on 16/26.

Yeah, Vicki, it was a shame. Oh for the money to throw at things just to keep them around! The barn was dismantling itself and we had no need to keep it up. 'twasn't too historic having been rebuilt after a fire in the '30s. But it was a quiet, huge old friend that's for sure. Now we've got some wide open spaces (Dixie Chicks anyone?) and it's really rather neat! Hubs is grading the land and will commence building a nearby pole barn with a home office sometime in the near future.

BigFam, BLady, catch me up on your running! I've not done any events this year but have been getting 3 miles in twice a week. Am contemplating doing the 10K Zoo Run Run and the Half Mary I did in Nov last year again. Am I down for the training commitment though, that's the question... BigFam, I don't let myself walk either... I run super slow, JUST so I never walk. Way to commit to bringing yourself through the Moon Run!

Lots of gardening going on over here. Veggie and flowers. And kicking back in lawn chairs for some chicky therapy. Those clucky kookies will bip right on to the chaise lounge at my feet.
I never get tired of that. Must post pix!

Celtic Chick, at the Bash your hubby coined the term "#3" for what chickens "do".
(Think about it for a minute people... )
I've never forgotten that or stopped finding it hilarious and think of him every time we say it over here, which is I swear at least a couple times a day.
Oh the things we find ourselves most often discussing...

AmberFlea -What a beautiful companion you have in your profile pic! Pleased ta meetcha and apologies if we've already met -ha ha!

Ok, 5 year old life form in a frilly skirt is calling for me. Must go but will see youse later!
OMG!!! I just did 1500 posts..

Quote: well now its 1501 LOL

Also I am an idiot, and forgot to post these.. I can go and get these and hold them for folks... Or at least get the contact number.. although I think its Terry Lund of Lund Poultry.. I could be very wrong and its another local person...
Yellow Cuckoo Orpington Rooster - $25 (Brooklyn)

Date: 2012-08-08, 11:53AM CDT
Reply to: [email protected] [Errors when replying to ads?]

$25 each, 4 available

1 year old


Lavender Orphington Pullets and Roosters - $20 (Brooklyn)

Date: 2012-08-08, 11:45AM CDT
Reply to: [email protected] [Errors when replying to ads?]
Pullets- 1 year old
$20 each, have 5

Lavender Orp. Roosters- 1 year old
$20 each, have 4


CALL OR TEXT ME if you want them...I am going to be busy today but can email them if someone is interested 608-228-5420
Last edited:
After a week without my laptop, I am so thankful to have it back. Wow- never thought I would miss it that much, lol. Put up the fence for my chickens on Saturday. Really loving that they have so much more room to run. But- ever since we put it up Ricky has turned mean.
I hate it. he has gone after my DS9 numerous times now, and my other kids are scared now to go in there by them. They used to enjoy being with the chickens, but now they just stand outside the fence. Any ideas why he changed so quickly? He used to be so docile, that's why we kept him and ate the other 5!! I have read of some ways to show him who is boss, but not sure what method would work best. I don't want to get rid of him because I think he does a great job with the girls, but he can't be terrorizing the kids either.
Otherwise everything seems to be going great. We are up to 5 eggs a day now, and I can't wait for all them to start laying

Hope you all have a great night!
I had my freedom rangers butchered today. They turned out pretty nice. I also butchered a two yr old lavender Orpington. He outweighs the meaties by far. He was a huge bird. Angiebubs, I gave him to the nail salon people. She seemed hesitant to take him. But he would be good for soup. If you get any feedback let me know.
How big did your freedom rangers get and how old did you butcher them??

I'm getting a batch of broilers in a couple weeks and added 5 freedom rangers to the order to try out. I know they are a slower growing bird but hope they don't take that much longer than the CX.
Quick Hi to all my BYC buddies!!! (Trying to catch up-still 30+ pages behind). Busy enjoying the wonderful sumemr weather.

I have a couple Lav Orp cockerals if anyone can give them a good home....

My babies are growing up....and funny thing-my lil "willow" Lt Brahma is fast becoming my fav!!! Along with my EE'r...have so many different breeds has been a fun experience!!

(Ok back to reading here)
Nice Evening To All... happy to see you back Angie. I know how busy we can be this time of year.
I love the the light brahmas too...my favorite breed hands down. I call them the white women here!

Nice to hear that things are going good mostly....my gardens are providing....Cind I wish you were closer....you would not need a garden, my surplus would provide enough for sure....the local folks and pantrys are gonna get the harvest.....I took inventory on the salsa...58 pints left..prolly enough and the numbers are huge in the pantry downstairs with everything....thousand canned goods in my pantry....the work pays off, and the harvest is so much fun. Time to share this year....nothing like a bushel of maters to toast to!

Tonight it's stuffed tomatoes....softball size filled with good stuff like seasoned with basil and stuffed with, venzun burger, onions, cheese and topped with ho- made seasoned crutons....little more cheese and baked to perfection...once again heaven here!

I have a couple roo's here that are gonna be noodles....suzie sounds like annie Jim....time to butcher. if it was up to her, we would only have hens...sorry...ain't gonna happen!

Have Fun...bigz
Judge, IDK what you mean by your roo being good for his girls ? All he needs to be good at is breeding.. other than that,, you do not NEED a rooster.. whack him.. get another when you need fertile eggs.. until then,, he is just a freeloader at the dinner table.. Roos are a dime a dozen..

I took my shaft back to the machine shop.. It was 3/4" too short.. I told the guy that it needed to finish to the same length as what I dropped off.. He never writes anything down.. well, all they did was saw the old fitting off and weld a new one on.. never taking into account that when they shoved the shaft into the new fitting, that it would be that much shorter.. He gave me a song and dance that they went by the CAD drawing of the first shaft they made for me.. I told him that I don't care what the drawing says,, I need the shaft to be 12 3/4" long.. I never mentioned ,, or even knew they had a CAD drawing.. WTH ?? I am ordering a new part,, not that old part.. I sort of pi$$ed him off and he wouldn't/couldn't tell me when it would be finished.. bass turd ,,(thanks Dan) I told him that the tractor was down for over 2 weeks already ,, waiting for the first part.. I had better have it by the end of this week,, and it WILL be no extra charge ..

Annie found a cluck on a hidden nest.. she is going to leave her alone , as long as she knows where it is..

I talked to the guy who wants one of the pups.. He might come tonight after work.. He must have done a lot of research about this breed.. He knew a lot about them.. I think I know this guy's brother.. or some relative.. I buy my seed potatoes from him.. there are not too many of that name in the area.. (6 in the phone book)..

Judge, IDK what you mean by your roo being good for his girls ? All he needs to be good at is breeding.. other than that,, you do not NEED a rooster.. whack him.. get another when you need fertile eggs.. until then,, he is just a freeloader at the dinner table.. Roos are a dime a dozen..

I took my shaft back to the machine shop.. It was 3/4" too short.. I told the guy that it needed to finish to the same length as what I dropped off.. He never writes anything down.. well, all they did was saw the old fitting off and weld a new one on.. never taking into account that when they shoved the shaft into the new fitting, that it would be that much shorter.. He gave me a song and dance that they went by the CAD drawing of the first shaft they made for me.. I told him that I don't care what the drawing says,, I need the shaft to be 12 3/4" long.. I never mentioned ,, or even knew they had a CAD drawing.. WTH ?? I am ordering a new part,, not that old part.. I sort of pi$$ed him off and he wouldn't/couldn't tell me when it would be finished.. bass turd ,,(thanks Dan) I told him that the tractor was down for over 2 weeks already ,, waiting for the first part.. I had better have it by the end of this week,, and it WILL be no extra charge ..

Annie found a cluck on a hidden nest.. she is going to leave her alone , as long as she knows where it is..

I talked to the guy who wants one of the pups.. He might come tonight after work.. He must have done a lot of research about this breed.. He knew a lot about them.. I think I know this guy's brother.. or some relative.. I buy my seed potatoes from him.. there are not too many of that name in the area.. (6 in the phone book)..

I have thought about eating him... I think he does a good job of protecting them and breaking up fights. I also like his crowing in the morning. Hopefully
we can all learn to get along
CasieD, my freedom rangers were almost 13 weeks old. I only weighed one that looked to be about average size and it was 5 pounds. I did have one tiny little hen in there. I didn't weigh her but I bet that bird is only 2.5 lbs. I only ended up with 6 roosters out of 26 so they may have been bigger on average if I had more roos and less hens. There was definitely a difference in size between the two. I'm not sure I will raise meat birds again. With them and all my layers and bantams I had over 80 chickens and about a dozen ducks free ranging around the yard. When they were hungry I had a mob chasing me. I kept one hen and we'll see if she how long she lives. She was on the smaller side. Maybe she'll lay eggs and I can breed her with my Iowa Blue rooster and have meat birds for next year.
Nice Evening To All... happy to see you back Angie. I know how busy we can be this time of year.
I love the the light brahmas too...my favorite breed hands down. I call them the white women here!

Nice to hear that things are going good mostly....my gardens are providing....Cind I wish you were closer....you would not need a garden, my surplus would provide enough for sure....the local folks and pantrys are gonna get the harvest.....I took inventory on the salsa...58 pints left..prolly enough and the numbers are huge in the pantry downstairs with everything....thousand canned goods in my pantry....the work pays off, and the harvest is so much fun. Time to share this year....nothing like a bushel of maters to toast to!

Tonight it's stuffed tomatoes....softball size filled with good stuff like seasoned with basil and stuffed with, venzun burger, onions, cheese and topped with ho- made seasoned crutons....little more cheese and baked to perfection...once again heaven here!

I have a couple roo's here that are gonna be noodles....suzie sounds like annie Jim....time to butcher. if it was up to her, we would only have hens...sorry...ain't gonna happen!

Have Fun...bigz

Mmmm those stuffed tomatoes sound delish!! Can't wait for more of mine to ripen up!

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