Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Morning all!
Same old same old here!! The critters are all well and it is a beautiful day!!
So, I went to the new chicken store in Paoli yesterday. It was very nice. Lots of arts and craft chicken type stuff and mixed in with some feed and supplies. She also has a small yard with coops on display. That I liked very much!!

Cind-The condition your thinking of is stranglulated (sp) lypoma. At least that is what mostly likely did my mare in. She was only 9. She was a great big sweet mare with a looooooong story of injury-all human caused. despite all that she still loved humans. I watched her being born and fell head over heals in love with her the second she was born. Knew her all of her life. She was a huge red chestnut with socks and squirrel shaped blaze on her face.
Kinds explained a lot when she was being a goof ball. Luckily once she got all her "silliness" out she engaged her brain and was a smart cookie. She was 3/4 Thoroughbred and 1/4 Quarter Horse. Luckily she got the QH brain and the QH platter feet. The rest was TB. She was a Granddaughter of Seattle Slew and Secretariat. She looked just like Secretariat but with more "chrome". Same red, same height. She stood a little over 16.3 hands but not quite 17. By the grace of God she got a brain from the QH in the wood pile and did not get Slews insaneness. I've worked with Slew's get and man they were all a little nutty in the head. I'll have to find a picture and scan it to post.

BL4-I agree with GR. Saddlebreds can be a little space-ie ant they are a "hot" breed. I also agree with her on Arabs. I love Arabs but they have to be raised right and trained well. They are smart cookies and need to be handled right. They are not a breed for everyone. I think my favorite breed is the Quarter Horse. They are just so solid in the brain department and a good all around horse.Some of the foundation lines are amazing! For gaited horses, I of course love Missouri Fox Trotters. But I am hugely biased since my mare, T'sai is one. My mare's mother was like riding a Lazy Boy recliner. She was that smooth.
From my experience, Peruvian Paso's are calmer then the Paso Fino's but the Fino' are probably the smoothest horse out there.
You can find just about any breed in any color. It just depends on how much you want to spend. To me color is a bonus. I look for a brain first and foremost along with good health and temperament. I want to make sure the horse is what I need (and want). I've met some really ugly horses that were angels (still remember one ugly angel named Leroy) and I've met some simply stunning horses that were better off as glue. (Sadly my horses mother, Dee was one of those!) Lucky for me my mare or her sister never got Dee's brand of nuts. They both have (T'sai) and had (Tez) great brains. Dee was just the nuts from that family tree...

Now I have to find more pics to scan for you guys....give you faces with my horse names! LOL!!!

BBP-Glad to hear the squirrel seems ok! I like them too. I have a clan of squirrels the have their own feeders. I mean the feeders are for BIRDS...
...I get really offended when people run over my squirrels on the road.....
Slow down people! There are squirrels crossing the road! I mean really....Geesh!!

Well I need to get going, put the wash is the dryer and fill the cat food container....
SHort note...smiley's deleted my post cause FF took me to my bank's website! Darn! So I am alive, loved the field trip story and I am so sorry for the ailing dogs! I hate that!
Spent the day at IKEA with my daughters yesterday and ate at Joe's Crab Shack...MMMM is all I can say! LOL!
OK--gotta go to work--have a good one all! Terri O
Good morning to you people in wisconsin!!!
so.... no eggs yet my chickens just started laying eggs 2 days ago....so.... i hope we get more only one is laying hope more do
well you guys have a good day!!
hi im looking for a poultry tester in the eau claire area willing to bring my birds to you need them tested asap thank you please message me or i will message you if you reply here
So happy that we got the new chicken coop interior done this weekend!! We moved the 4 week old Swedish Flower Hens (6) and Wheaten Marans (3) in along with the 2 Ameraucana chicks I got from Tiki. The group of teenagers (1 Buckeye, 1 Blue Andalusian, 1 Blue Orpington, 1 Buff Polish and 1 Black Bantam Cochin) I had in another temporary pen were also added and they seem to be getting along just fine! So nice to have fewer groups and get them more consolidated.

This is the poop tray and roost set up. The roost is 7 1/2' long running across the north wall of the coop.
I love using Sweet PDZ in the poop trays, makes for super easy clean up! Used a vinyl remnant for the flooring.
DH also built an automatic pop door opener (shown with the cover off here) with a timer so they get locked up safe and tight at night and then let out in the morning.

DH built the next boxes so I can get the eggs from the storage side of the coop by using a drop down door on the back. We put up a bigger piece of plywood across the nest boxes for now as nobody is laying yet and I don't want them to try out roosting in there overnight.

We just needed a couple of clamps to finish up the run and add some chicken wire to the bottom of the fence, then that will be ready to go too!

The coop is 8 x 10 total with a 2 x 8 section for storage giving the chickens access to an 8 x 8 area. Their run will be 10 x 12 and once they dig up all the grass in there we will add a 3" layer of sand to it.
good morning folks

(no garlic talk today,,,,)

kkowa, if you google WI poultry testers you should be able to get to the state ag website and keep clicking eventually the list appears for every county in WI

cassie, nice coop,,,,what did the hubby use for that door motor?

big news here,,,,my lawnmower is fixed and ready to pickup! this is really funny I haven't mowed for almost 2 months, the birds keep a lot of it cleaned up but this will make the lawn police happy I'm sure

gotta go,,,the lawn awaits
kkowa I pmed you.

Cind sorry about the guinea chicks :he Darn mamas

I could go for some herb identifying too. My body is somewhat ok but my mind is a wreck! :p :lol: Do I qualify? :gig

Hope the squirrel continues to improve.
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So happy that we got the new chicken coop interior done this weekend!! We moved the 4 week old Swedish Flower Hens (6) and Wheaten Marans (3) in along with the 2 Ameraucana chicks I got from Tiki. The group of teenagers (1 Buckeye, 1 Blue Andalusian, 1 Blue Orpington, 1 Buff Polish and 1 Black Bantam Cochin) I had in another temporary pen were also added and they seem to be getting along just fine! So nice to have fewer groups and get them more consolidated.

This is the poop tray and roost set up. The roost is 7 1/2' long running across the north wall of the coop.
I love using Sweet PDZ in the poop trays, makes for super easy clean up! Used a vinyl remnant for the flooring.
DH also built an automatic pop door opener (shown with the cover off here) with a timer so they get locked up safe and tight at night and then let out in the morning.

DH built the next boxes so I can get the eggs from the storage side of the coop by using a drop down door on the back. We put up a bigger piece of plywood across the nest boxes for now as nobody is laying yet and I don't want them to try out roosting in there overnight.

We just needed a couple of clamps to finish up the run and add some chicken wire to the bottom of the fence, then that will be ready to go too!

The coop is 8 x 10 total with a 2 x 8 section for storage giving the chickens access to an 8 x 8 area. Their run will be 10 x 12 and once they dig up all the grass in there we will add a 3" layer of sand to it.
VERY nice job..

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