Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Morning all!!!
BigZ yep, love the new Escape. So fun playing with all the geek toys in it!!!
TerriO- I like chicken chick too, BUT, she has had some criticism by some pros for some of her "medical" advice (disease worms etc) doesn't do her research I think.
Sunshine- agree with Unka, the best for the chick and you.
JUDGE- I feed Nutrena starter/grower so there is no switch and keep them on it till the "merge" but I'm a newbie too, sooooo.
Kristi--sorry to hear about your back, ouch.
CInd- I hope you feel better soon!!!!

Picked up the new chicks this morning and they look great and are very happy in their new nursery. Pictures to come of course!
Went to my oncologist on Monday and, drumroll, REMISSION.
. Finally!!!!
Sun is shining, critters doing well, all, Is right with the world
Remission is a gorgeous word!!!! need those pics! What breeds did you get??? yeah
New to this so hope I'm posting in the right spot... We have a flock of layers in Dane, WI (near Madison), and will be adding some more layers and having a batch of meat birds this year. Looking for recomendations on local hatcheries in Southern wisconsin. Have heard of Abendroth's and Butch's, but don't have experience with either. Got some turkeys from Sunnyside in Beaver Dam last year, and they did fine for us. Ordered layers from McMurray last year and was happy with those too, but would prefer to buy something of nicer quality and local this year. Loooking for common breed large layers, and would like some marans someday too.. Any information on your experiences with hatcheries or processors for meat birds would be appreciated. Thanks! Crystal
Morning all!!!
BigZ yep, love the new Escape. So fun playing with all the geek toys in it!!!
TerriO- I like chicken chick too, BUT, she has had some criticism by some pros for some of her "medical" advice (disease worms etc) doesn't do her research I think.
Sunshine- agree with Unka, the best for the chick and you.
JUDGE- I feed Nutrena starter/grower so there is no switch and keep them on it till the "merge" but I'm a newbie too, sooooo.
Kristi--sorry to hear about your back, ouch.
CInd- I hope you feel better soon!!!!

Picked up the new chicks this morning and they look great and are very happy in their new nursery. Pictures to come of course!
Went to my oncologist on Monday and, drumroll, REMISSION.
. Finally!!!!
Sun is shining, critters doing well, all, Is right with the world
I did not know you were ill..I am delighted you are sharing good news about remission! Wonderful!
Morning all!!!
BigZ yep, love the new Escape. So fun playing with all the geek toys in it!!!
TerriO- I like chicken chick too, BUT, she has had some criticism by some pros for some of her "medical" advice (disease worms etc) doesn't do her research I think.
Sunshine- agree with Unka, the best for the chick and you.
JUDGE- I feed Nutrena starter/grower so there is no switch and keep them on it till the "merge" but I'm a newbie too, sooooo.
Kristi--sorry to hear about your back, ouch.
CInd- I hope you feel better soon!!!!

Picked up the new chicks this morning and they look great and are very happy in their new nursery. Pictures to come of course!
Went to my oncologist on Monday and, drumroll, REMISSION.
. Finally!!!!
Sun is shining, critters doing well, all, Is right with the world
HIp Hip Hooray! for remission.

DaneChick I am sure the folks here could help you with your chicken needs. And WILL have advice about hatcheries.

also- We are not as crazy as we seem.

JJgivingyouallanotherbenefitofadoubt or benefitofanotherdoubt?
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ugh... did my not smart thing again... have had bad back pain for last two days and then yesterday got a bug up my bum with ds about cleaning out the coop from the winter mess so we climbed in and shoveled that gross mess out. Chickens are thrilled but back went from bad to worse.. have not been to a chiropracter in about 5 years because I felt they just did not do enough good for me, but going to try again today.
Glad you got some relief from the chiro. They can do wonders. You might want to find a massage therapist if you have chronic back problems. DH and I just started seeing one, and she is helping both of us. She showed us some stretches to do in between visits. She can't do a whole lot with me until after baby is born (deep massage on certain pressure points can trigger labor!) But she is getting DH straigtened out.

Yay yay yay for remission! Congrats Vicki!

Funny chicken story for the lunch hour: During chores this morning, my all-too-friendly Jaerhon jumped onto my head, right after she had stepped in fresh runny poo.
And right to the shower I went!

Ok, eggs just arrived in the mail - Pekins and Speckled Sussex.
Have a super day!
R berry.....25x18 wow! Are you going to put it on a concrete slab?
Of course I voted today! I found out that the husband of the lady who was the ringleader against the changing of the city ordinance is running unopposed for city council. Nice; that should make life interesting since he is one of those thick-headed types who has a mule-like attitude when presented with an opposing viewpoint: no matter how much information you present proving he is wrong.

I will keep you all posted with the results.
Went to my oncologist on Monday and, drumroll, REMISSION.
. Finally!!!!
Sun is shining, critters doing well, all, Is right with the world
Ironically enough he went to a Palmer school and lives in my community(which is 25 miles away) but was a crazy fast talker. But my back feels a bit better. Worth the co-pay today! cant imagine hitting museums for next two days with a bad back.
Now to deal with a court of law tonight... yup we were stupid. DIdnt get the postcard last year to renew plates on my minivan and thought nothing about it... busted. So registered it, and going to court to see if they will waive the fine. first time for me in court. Had two speeding tickets otherwise in my lifeime... one a few weeks after my 16th birthday.oh well

hope everyone is enjoying the sun! I sure am
If things don't work out for you with the person (25 miles away), we go to one in Verona that is very good and has a massage therapist on staff that is EXCELLENT.

Well lunch break is over - back to the grind.

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