Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Forgot who said their chickens are limping but Question..... were they vaccinated for Mareks? You might want to look up Mareks disease and read up on the symptoms. Even a chicken that has been vaccinated can get it.

Forgot what else I was gonna say.

Jim's been lurking so we know he's still sitting upright in his computer chair.... Hey Jim did you get those buff orps yet? ET's friend only wants 3 chicks.... long way to drive (gas money) to pickup 3 chicks though.
The girls are heading to the Aussie Nationals in Gray Summit (near St. Louis). Unfortunately this year I can't take the week off from work, will miss it for sure. However, they are hitching a ride with a friend from Illinois to get handed off to my friend who I used to show with and have co-bred litters with, etc. We worked together in Iowa. Anyway, she'll be showing them for me this week. She'll probably show Riley with tears running down her face. Not only do the old gray ladies make you cry seeing them so happy to be back in the ring, but my friend lost Riley's mother this year and her sister last year (the mom to cancer, the sister to a weird freak bleed in the brain). So, this year will be bittersweet for her.


This photo is a picture of Riley's litter, my friend's first litter, the litter that got me into the breed, and an amazing litter in general.

Riley is on the left, she's a champion, and has 4 rally obedience titles and 2 standard obedience titles
Sealy is next, he's a champion, multiple agility titles
Sid is in the center, champion, multiple best in show winner, #2 and #3 Aussie in the US a couple years, prominent sire in the breed right now (and is DeBakey's dad)
Tug went to a pet home and has a houseful of kids to supervise
Peyton was a best in show winner and dual champion

This litter was the first Australian shepherd litter to contain two Best in Show winners. We're all most proud of them and I am blessed to have been a part of that "family". :)
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Jim get your crotchety old self back on here! I can be even more annoying if I need to!! You DO remember you gave me your phone number, right? Don't make call you, you crusty old curmudgeon... :p
I heard it's "Buy a parakeet get a free buff orp" sale at Jim and Annie's house
There is nothing (ok well maybe, puppies, kitties, ponies,chicks, bunnies) then a baby parakeet.. God they are cute. I had some years ago.
I have a bunch of parakeets and saw a nice flight cage on CL..... The guy was even selling it with 10 keets in it if you wanted !!! That's all I would need is ten more !!!
I'd be in big big big time trouble if I lived closer to Jim Or TO or any of you...... I'd be over drooling over all of the chicks, parakeets or whatever !!!!

It was almost blizzarding in Crandon tonight. Then once we got almost home it had stopped but our road was drifted pretty bad. I think we missed spring and by the looks of it we may be headed right into fall and winter again. Mother nature must be forgetful too.
And COLD, I was actually real COLD out there today. Must be because it is so damp or something. I never really get cold, that was so weird.
When we got home there were two ducks and two geese laying in the driveway. Must have been laying there the whole time we were gone and got up when we got home. It was so cute because they got up when we drove in. There were 4 bare spots on the ground (ovals actually) with a pile of Poop at one end.... Yep confirmed my suspicions..... They layed there and made poo poo !!!
The girls are heading to the Aussie Nationals in Gray Summit (near St. Louis).   Unfortunately this year I can't take the week off from work, will miss it for sure.  However, they are hitching a ride with a friend from Illinois to get handed off to my friend who I used to show with and have co-bred litters with, etc.  We worked together in Iowa.  Anyway, she'll be showing them for me this week.  She'll probably show Riley with tears running down her face.  Not only do the old gray ladies make you cry seeing them so happy to be back in the ring, but my friend lost Riley's mother this year and her sister last year (the mom to cancer, the sister to a weird freak bleed in the brain).  So, this year will be bittersweet for her.


This photo is a picture of Riley's litter, my friend's first litter, the litter that got me into the breed, and an amazing litter in general.

Riley is on the left, she's a champion, and has 4 rally obedience titles and 2 standard obedience titles
Sealy is next, he's a champion, multiple agility titles
Sid is in the center, champion, multiple best in show winner, #2 and #3 Aussie in the US a couple years, prominent sire in the breed right now (and is DeBakey's dad)
Tug went to a pet home and has a houseful of kids to supervise
Peyton was a best in show winner and dual champion

This litter was the first Australian shepherd litter to contain two Best in Show winners.  We're all most proud of them and I am blessed to have been a part of that "family".  :)

I know that is alot of HARD WORK. Coodles to you for that!!!
Thats exactly what I meant when I said I think you should only breed to better the breed!!!! And awesome they are still good in obedience!

You have every right to be proud!!! Good job :)
JJ... Jim likes me this way. May be y'all should take a page from his book... :D. I tried being nice to him once or twice, he doesn't know WHAT to think then!

OH KNOWLEDGE FAIRY... COME BACK WHERE YOU BELONG... I'll even get you a pair of gossamer fairy wings to wear with your sandals!!!

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