Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

How many people are eating GF this weekend? I can bring along our Pamelas mix for pancakes as long as someone has eggs there LOL.

I am still trying to remember to pick up name tags if people want to use them...Otherwise I can just continue to confuse everyone with the angie versus Judi ;-) Maybe I should look into changing my nic on here.

Glad to hear there will be so many kids near my DD13 age..She will be 14 next month fyi
ok I can breathe now. I requested off for this weekend and found out I was scheduled for most of Sat?? WTH? I found someone to cover me, thankfully lol so we are back on for this weekend lol the kids were so bummed that I had to work that they asked if we could reschedule the Bash lol so anyway we are headed up some time Friday night. Hey BigZ save our normal spot for us lol Now I have to go see what TO has me down to bring lol later all
I work 2nd shift M-F so can't come on Friday. Plus the high schoolers got invited to a going away party for a mutual friend who's moving next month. It's a sleep-over, but I will be picking them up after work, so roughly 11:15PM. Figured they're staying plenty late into the night to say they stayed late and still had a good time. Talked it over w/them and neither really cares aabout if they don't get to sleep over or not. DD16 said "Nah. I'd rather be home in the morning so we can wake up early to get chores & last min. packing done so we can get out of here by mid-morning." My kids have only been camping once. And that was when I took them winter camping with our girl scout troop. THAT was awsome! But not the same thing. LOL So they are looking forward to this.
I think I forgot to tell everyone we are getting some hives put on both pieces of our property. Our friend is the WI bee queen. She goes around the country leasing out her bees to different orchards and things like that. Well, now they're back for the summer and she needs places to store them. I hope it goes well.

If she is looking for another temporary home for the bees, count us in!!!!! I'm gonna start raising bees once we get the final say on this house...still waiting to close!
WOW are w getting clobbered by a storm right now! I made sure I had the kindle charged up so I was wireless when it hit. My poor little flock couldn't understand why they were being chased unto the coop on such a great day but I bet they know now. I barely hobbled outside and got them all tucked in before it hit :eek:

I hope everyone is safe :fl !!!
My bro and nephew are on their way here so I don't have a lot of time..

I have ONE gosling that I can bring along if somebody wants it.. It will be a gray.. It is happily living with a couple of chicks right now, so you do not have to have geese for it to play with..
$$ cheap $$

sorry you can't make it Tom..

Oh yes,, I got the spark plug wires changed this morning.. Blazer runs like a top.. I think it will make it to the bash and back home,, two of the wires were burned through.. can we say wild arching boys and girls ??

Had lunch with Zeke today.. He had nothing but good to say about the cheeseheads.. I guess he doesn't know us very well..

and yes, CC, he IS twice as big as me.. and twice as witty..

They are here ,,,,,,,,,gotta go put up some walls .. too bad it rained .. it will be a bit muddy and slippery..

It turns out the Haas family will indeed be invading the Bash. i worked out my sitter situation. I asked Halden's Early Childhood teacher if she would be willing to come over and spend part of the day with him. She is so super awesome, she agreed. So I can bring the 4 oldest and myself. Bunk house awaits us Friday night. We'll hang out on Sat and head home before supper, 5:00-5:30.

I have not prepared, packed, or planned at all for the trip up. I hate procrastinating! I'll stop doing it someday.

Now with no Tomski... No ultra delicious kraut and pork. I bet CC is relieved on that front though so she doesn't have to smell Toxic Steve all night. We'll miss yah Tom. Who's gonna reign Terri in now when she's fr!cken waving knives at kids?!?! (Warn all your kids who TerriO is and for them to stay out of the kitchen when she's in there!!!)

Now to figure out what booze to bring, and not forget my puke bowl... Just in case. I'm a lightweight in the drinking dept, and puke rather easily. If I do, just call me Derek for the rest of the Bash. (Poor man, Will he never live that down?)
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