Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Hi All!

I don't know about this working from home stuff.... I seem to be working (on the Ren. Fair stuff) but it seems I'm not getting much home stuff done! Counting my before bed time (now 5am) I got a whole hour on line, in two parts! Well, it's a push to get stuff done before they leave Fri. so after that I can pace myself better. Young son is feeling better, not great yet, but better. He's turned into such a "man". "Mom, scratch my back" "Mom, can you get me a straw?" "Mommy I still hurt" "Mom, make me some soup" LOL

I read everything for the day but so busy ....CRS.... all I remember is horse talk and a couple of hatched chicks... congrats! FT... be grateful you hay is so cheap there! Straw is going for 2.50 -3.50 here! I think hay is running about 6!

Well, must sleep... Night All!
FT, that picture was the filly with that dorky saddlebred gelding that I'm trying to sell. They don't hang out with my mare. She kind of does her own thing. Those two are inseparable. He has watched over that little one since she was first born. I've noticed that he's teaching her to be curious like he is. Which hopefully turns out to be a good thing.

Cuties, I have bantam cochins, bantam faverolles, swedish flower hens, a dorking, a penedesenca, black orps, lavender orps, a barnevelder, an Iowa blue, a silkie/bantam cochin, bantam chocolate orpingtons, a few mixes . . . . That's it I think.
Judge, congrats on the new chick. I would think the hen would take care of the ducklings. Sure would be cute. We will need pictures! Safer then the other way around. You wouldn't want a duck taking chicks for a swim !!! LOL

Oh and BBP your mare and filly are gorgeous. Is that the mare you have for sale or different one?

I got a call today from a man that lives in Wautoma. He was inquiring about my neighbors horses. I told them they were not broke and wouldn't be good for a beginner. He has one horse and is looking for another. He has 6 kids. High school down to 5th grade. They are all beginners so I told him I would keep my eyes peeled for a good family horse. BBP is your's still for sale and if so can you tell me more about her?
So if anyone else knows of a beginner safe horse for sale let me know. He seemed like such a nice young man. I would hate to see him end up with some wild thing that could hurt his kids or sour them against horses just because they got the wrong one.

I'm starting to nod off here....wow and it's only 2;24am

Sorry if I missed anyone.... I tried real hard to remember what I read today.... Oh what is a gravity box ?
Oh, CS sorry about your chicken loss :(
All that talk about hill billy trailer trash made me think of the Landlord association I belonged to years ago. One of their rules was 'No inside furniture outside' LOL I have the opposite problem. I bring all kinds of outside stuff inside. Saddles, chickens ... you name it !!! LOL

Night all !!

UNK !!
A gravity box is what holds your grains once you combine, just a weird looking trailer that they unload the corn or oats into. Most I see are a darker orange color.
I'm up to a whopping 13 chicks all hatched from the Brinsea.(seems I can't brag this incubator up enough) Not one has even pipped from the Hova. Just added water to the old round one and layed them out as their suppose to hatch by Friday. Not looking very good for my 60. Maybe I can talk the guy into taking the laying hens I have for sale on down to the chicks hatched a few months ago to equal the 60.

Trying to liven up here as we're taking a steer to Equity in Barron this morning to sell, hope it brings good dollar.
Frenchie, you are killing me with all those horse postings! I have a ginormous barn to fill. First it needs a stall... then there is fencing... and hay... and the cost of the horse... and the saddle...and brushes.......and bridle....and....and... lol we are I saving mode right now. Syd got some $ for her bday for horse savings. She says next year she wants all horse $.
Thanks everyone with all of the input! I am taki g notes of it all :)
Bbp, sounds like you have amazing breeds I might love!! Where are you located? Lavender orps most interesting :) how does the color work? Is it like the blue? Or do you breed lavander to lavander?
Teri, I might have forgot to say.. you are welcome to all the mg eggs you want :) the people I got them from show. So they should be decent stock. Except blales pied. It is too red. But he liked thAt one because it has a bent comb!!
Cuties, you need to hit the Midwest Horse Show in April with me, Terri, Amy, Julie, maybe LMiller would like to tag along as well? You can puck up tack at the 4-H sale and learn a LOT! It is usually the third weekend in April, we will keep you posted so you can get your work schedule arranged.....

I can see it now, big camping party at Terri's house!!!!! ;)
Frenchie, you are killing me with all those horse postings! I have a ginormous barn to fill. First it needs a stall... then there is fencing... and hay... and the cost of the horse... and the saddle...and brushes.......and bridle....and....and... lol we are I saving mode right now. Syd got some $ for her bday for horse savings. She says next year she wants all horse $.
Thanks everyone with all of the input! I am taki g notes of it all :)
Bbp, sounds like you have amazing breeds I might love!! Where are you located? Lavender orps most interesting :) how does the color work? Is it like the blue? Or do you breed lavander to lavander?
Teri, I might have forgot to say.. you are welcome to all the mg eggs you want :) the people I got them from show. So they should be decent stock. Except blales pied. It is too red. But he liked thAt one because it has a bent comb!!

Just don't share your list with the hubby !!!! LOL It might seem expensive to own a horse but so is dinning out, shopping for clothes that you don't need, CHICKENS and the list goes on.

What do they say? The outside of the horse is good for the inside of the man.... something like that... in other words.... priceless !!!

Keep your eyes peeled for good used T posts. Yep, start now and when the right horse comes along you will be ready.

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