Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Hi All!

Sclark..... What a cute little bird!

BBP.... cute pic!

Amy... what can I say? Nothing like a sleeping baby!

Irish.... a peck of pretty peppers?

I hate to say, but I was questioning how long I'll be able to take care of Neil (the son with MS) tonight. He's been having a hard time this last week and right now he can't move his right leg and is rather weak. He's going to the doctor Tue. for a treatment, but hard to say how much it will help. Just trying to get him in bed and in position where he could sleep took hours and exhausted me. Physically I just can't do much to help. Yes, he's degrading both physically and mentally, but I think he's far from having to go to a "home". His brothers and sisters seem to think that's where he should be. Makes me worried when they're going to think I need a "home". I just think I need find ways to "handle" him, move him easier etc. Guess I'll try to get hold of his case worker Mon.

I'm very tired.... Night All!

Updated pic of Mason so no one has withdrawals. Four weeks old today, he's doing really good! He has a little mohawk.

You make beautiful babies
Hi All!

Sclark..... What a cute little bird!

BBP.... cute pic!

Amy... what can I say? Nothing like a sleeping baby!

Irish.... a peck of pretty peppers?

I hate to say, but I was questioning how long I'll be able to take care of Neil (the son with MS) tonight. He's been having a hard time this last week and right now he can't move his right leg and is rather weak. He's going to the doctor Tue. for a treatment, but hard to say how much it will help. Just trying to get him in bed and in position where he could sleep took hours and exhausted me. Physically I just can't do much to help. Yes, he's degrading both physically and mentally, but I think he's far from having to go to a "home". His brothers and sisters seem to think that's where he should be. Makes me worried when they're going to think I need a "home". I just think I need find ways to "handle" him, move him easier etc. Guess I'll try to get hold of his case worker Mon.

I'm very tired.... Night All!

Awww, I pray you are sleeping and not reading this. I will not be so stupid as to say I understand, because there is no way I can. I have not walked even an inch in your shoes. I can only offer HUGE hugs an a little prayer for an incredible mom <3
Maybe you just need some assistance at bedtime to help you get him to bed see if the case worker can help you find someone who can be scheduled to come in and give you a helping hand at these times there has to be someone I would hope for you. Sending a little prayer your way to help you find strength both physically and mentally.
Hi All!

Sclark..... What a cute little bird!

BBP.... cute pic!

Amy... what can I say? Nothing like a sleeping baby!

Irish.... a peck of pretty peppers?

I hate to say, but I was questioning how long I'll be able to take care of Neil (the son with MS) tonight. He's been having a hard time this last week and right now he can't move his right leg and is rather weak. He's going to the doctor Tue. for a treatment, but hard to say how much it will help. Just trying to get him in bed and in position where he could sleep took hours and exhausted me. Physically I just can't do much to help. Yes, he's degrading both physically and mentally, but I think he's far from having to go to a "home". His brothers and sisters seem to think that's where he should be. Makes me worried when they're going to think I need a "home". I just think I need find ways to "handle" him, move him easier etc. Guess I'll try to get hold of his case worker Mon.

I'm very tired.... Night All!

So sorry to hear this. MS is such an awful
disease. My father has it and has spent about a year in total at various rehab facilities when his flare ups become too much. It's hard to watch someone you love be in pain, and harder still to watch that person's whole personality change. My father has become hostile in recent years, which makes being around him difficult and hurtful. It is rough to be a caregiver...I can totally relate. Best wishes to you!
Sunday morning all.
I'm getting very close to giving up on the stunted Aussie from Terri, or maybe I should have already. :idunno. I'm now well over a $100 and counting on drugs and vet consult fees and it's still passing blood. Only progress is it is no longer every day and the bird is eating, drinking, and getting more active. I'm still calling "it" tho I am fairly sure "she" is probably accurate tho after all that "she" has been thru, even the vet has voiced doubts she can ever be a functional hen. He also has no clue without running expensive tests (which would have to be shipped off to the Marshfield lab of course) what is still going on. Of course the other one that is healthy and thriving is getting huge and looking more every day like a roo :th. Getting very close to just cutting my losses, sterilizing everything, again, crossing my fingers I haven't put my healthy birds at too much risk, waiting till the winter cold hopefully takes care of whatever may be left in the soil in my only starter run, and start over.
I am not known as a quitter, but there comes a point where determination crosses over a line and becomes stupid.

I have been in contact with a SOP breeder in Minnesota that has a strain of English Australorp, among an amazing list of other quality birds. Anyone familiar with Duane Urch? Of Urch/Turnland Poultry out of Owatonna Minnesota? He has amazing credentials as a breeder, exhibitor and APA participant and board member. Anyone near or across the Minnesota border know him???
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Quote: I toss a whole pumpkin on the ground and break it..I do nothing else.
Joe loves pumpkin seeds and will gut one for himself and bake those seeds. After he burns them I feed those also to the birds. I use all gourd type for worming including all the squash family.

Hi All!

Sclark..... What a cute little bird!

BBP.... cute pic!

Amy... what can I say? Nothing like a sleeping baby!

Irish.... a peck of pretty peppers?

I hate to say, but I was questioning how long I'll be able to take care of Neil (the son with MS) tonight. He's been having a hard time this last week and right now he can't move his right leg and is rather weak. He's going to the doctor Tue. for a treatment, but hard to say how much it will help. Just trying to get him in bed and in position where he could sleep took hours and exhausted me. Physically I just can't do much to help. Yes, he's both physically and mentally, but I think he's far from having to go to a "home". His brothers and sisters seem to think that's where he should be. Makes me worried when they're going to think I need a "home". I just think I need find ways to "handle" him, move him easier etc. Guess I'll try to get hold of his case worker Mon.

I'm very tired.... Night All!

I do not know about other resources, but when I lived in Waupaca I did in home care for people in your type of circumstances. Some counties have wonderful programs. I had 5 clients I put to bed and took them out of bed several night a week.

Sunday morning all.
I'm getting very close to giving up on the stunted Aussie from Terri, or maybe I should have already.
. I'm now well over a $100 and counting on drugs and vet consult fees and it's still passing blood. Only progress is it is no longer every day and the bird is eating, drinking, and getting more active. I'm still calling "it" tho I am fairly sure "she" is probably accurate tho after all that "she" has been thru, even the vet has voiced doubts she can ever be a functional hen. He also has no clue without running expensive tests (which would have to be shipped off to the Marshfield lab of course) what is still going on. Of course the other one that is healthy and thriving is getting huge and looking more every day like a roo
. Getting very close to just cutting my losses, sterilizing everything, again, crossing my fingers I haven't put my healthy birds at too much risk, waiting till the winter cold hopefully takes care of whatever may be left in the soil in my only starter run, and start over.
I am not known as a quitter, but there comes a point where determination crosses over a line and becomes stupid.

I have been in contact with a SOP breeder in Minnesota that has a strain of English Australorp, among an amazing list of other quality birds. Anyone familiar with Duane Urch? Of Urch/Turnland Poultry out of Owatonna Minnesota? He has amazing credentials as a breeder, exhibitor and APA participant and board member. Anyone near or across the Minnesota border know him???
I have heard nothing but good things about Duane. A very involved busy man.
I love Sundays...... the only day I can really sleep in.

Cind I do hope you get some help.

to all the newbies!

I suppose I should motivate here........ rotting away on the laptop is getting me nowhere.

Hi All!

Sclark..... What a cute little bird!

BBP.... cute pic!

Amy... what can I say? Nothing like a sleeping baby!

Irish.... a peck of pretty peppers?

I hate to say, but I was questioning how long I'll be able to take care of Neil (the son with MS) tonight. He's been having a hard time this last week and right now he can't move his right leg and is rather weak. He's going to the doctor Tue. for a treatment, but hard to say how much it will help. Just trying to get him in bed and in position where he could sleep took hours and exhausted me. Physically I just can't do much to help. Yes, he's degrading both physically and mentally, but I think he's far from having to go to a "home". His brothers and sisters seem to think that's where he should be. Makes me worried when they're going to think I need a "home". I just think I need find ways to "handle" him, move him easier etc. Guess I'll try to get hold of his case worker Mon.

I'm very tired.... Night All!
Time to get a home health care agency to give you a hand when you need it! Don't wear yourself out before your time!

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