Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Does she have a-fib???? From what you describe Jim it does sound like it....

I know Annie is in good hands and will be just fine!

CS, yes that is the one!

Took today off to visit with my brother and his family. Glad I did! It sounds like it is going to be a sticky one!
Well, we have a miracle chick. I have some 6-7 week old silkie chicks and my frizzles are about 4-5 weeks. I introduced them to the ones that were in the chicken tractor. For 4 days they hung out together but slept separately. Older ones in the proper coop and babies in a small dog kennel in the run area. Night before last I put all the babies with the olders at night. Before I left for the night the smallest ones were snuggling under one of the hens wings. I locked them all together so that the littles didn't get separated and cold. Went out yesterday morning to let them out and there was one laying against the door block bleeding from the head. I brought it in and cleaned it up a bit wrapped it in a towel with a heat source and gave it water on and off. Low and behold it has survived is up and walking and chirping. I think it will survive. I am so happy because this chick is a sweetie. She loves to ride around on my shoulder. Any advice on when I should try to reintroduce her to her flock and what I should do differently? Her poor head was really swelled up but looks so much better this morning.
Afternoon all..busy here like always, but a needed break in the heat today...not complaining though for sure. That's one of the problems with a tractor is...the ability for chicks or hens for that matter to escape to safety from one another in the flock or group. They are a way to have chickens on the cheap side, but have many drawbacks on the flocks well being, in my opinion. Ones not liked by others is a strange thing, that pecking order is really, but they will remember they don't like her...in my opinion, and no where to run in the tractor, when reintroduced needs a close eye...the bloody head could get worse....chickens are hard to figure...but love the ability to free range...even at costs of lost birds...in my opinion. They are still stressed in a tractor...nothing close to freedom.

Bigz, I wish I could free range my girls. But, we have way too any eagles, coon, coyote, hawks and dogs. Plus my MIL would have a fit. Someday I hope I can. I will definitely keep a close eye on putting her back in with her flock. They hadn't caused her any problems for days so I thought I would be safe to lock them in the coop area. I won't try that. I will just let them find it on their own from now on. She is looking amazing today. Swelling is gone, head feathers are fluffing back up and she is eating and drinking. Going to keep her in the house for a few days to be sure she seems ok and to let our heat wave pass.
Forgot to add that my garden is doing AWESOME right now. I am keeping it almost weed free at the moment. I have 4 strawberry patches that are approx. 4x10. I picked 2 of them yesterday and 2 today and have picked 2.5 gallons of berries. I got to put 5 quarts in the freezer and the rest went into bellies. Finally got my mushroom logs set up with a sprinkler and shaded. They are producing again right now and I expected them to take a break.
Well, I finally just got home from the hospital. I had to leave Annie there for a couple hours more.

DD Barby just called. she is picking Annie up and bringing her home soon.

All went well.. her heart is steady and her vitals are all normal.

I helped her eat her breakfast/lunch/supper before I left.
she had nothing to eat since supper last night.

I caught a 15 minute nap in the waiting room. I think we will both sleep well tonight.

we ended up with 7/10 quail hatch. one escaped in the basement, so Jordan took only 6 home with him.

Well, I finally just got home from the hospital.  I had to leave Annie there for a couple hours more.

DD Barby just called.  she is picking Annie up and bringing her home soon.

All went well..  her heart is steady and her vitals are all normal.   

I helped her eat her breakfast/lunch/supper before I left.
she had nothing to eat since supper last night.

I caught a 15 minute nap in the waiting room.  I think we will both sleep well tonight.

we ended up with 7/10 quail hatch.  one escaped in the basement, so Jordan took only 6 home with him.

Glad to hear all went well
Enjoy the much deserved rest
Glad to hear that Annie is doing well. My dad had to have his heart stopped and restarted to get it back into rhythm. I think they ended up doing it twice before it worked. Scary but that is why we see the experts.

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