Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Been busy the last week and a half. Still working both jobs every day and sleeping when I have to. All my birds are molting at the moment. I hope it's a quick one ciz in down to a couple dozen eggs. The trucks in the shop now cuz my brakes went out Tuesday on my way home. I almost had myself a drive thru garage...
Argh...I am in crazy limbo land of chickens right now. I just got rid of a few of my older birds that are not as successful layers, but my Easter babies ( 6-7) are just thinking about laying for a few of them. Then I have 2 that are 3.5 months old and then 4 youngsters that look like half are roos... With a handful of 1-2 year old birds... but I am getting 2 eggs a day right now. seriously... over a dozen birds and almost no eggs...sigh...these birds!!!

Dug up some taters and dug out the green beans last night. Few leeks look good...hoping to put them on the grill soon.
good evening,

Annie counted chickens today, 16 "laying" hens. so how come we are getting only 2 eggs a day ?

I mentioned that I was going to rescue my grapes from the raspberries. I took hedge clippers and the lawn mower and made it clear all the way around the grapes. It was a jungle out there.. I pulled 4 young trees out by the roots. cut into the overgrowth with the hedge clippers and then went through with the lawn mower set up high. there were jeruselum artichokes 8 feet tall.

next I will remove the posts and wires that aren't doing any good. debating what kind of arbor to build.

there are a few bunches of grapes ripe. they are concord.

I was going to move the vines next spring, but they showed me that they can grow pretty good where they are now..

neighbor is in the field cutting a nice 3rd crop of alfalfa .

has anybody here ever used Roundup on their garden ?
did you use it this year ? how did it work ?

I had to leave work today to pick up a rehab fawn. Little guy is blind and has been wandering around the countryside for

the past couple of days. He was wearing an orange collar, so obviously someone was taking care of him. He took the bottle and was very cuddly.
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good morning,

I know about the bad side of Roundup, but I still want an answer to my question..

I did some research about propagating grapes. It looks easy enough. I think I will try some apple scions, too..

..rain today, I don't know what I am going to do..
I can stand to watch only a small amount of TV ..

Somebody must be missing that fawn, dontcha think ? ,
I would think they would have info on the radio or TV .

good morning,

I know about the bad side of Roundup,  but I still want an answer to my question..

I did some research about propagating grapes.  It looks easy enough.  I think I will try some apple scions, too..

..rain today,  I don't know what I am going to do..
I can stand to watch only a small amount of TV ..

Somebody must be missing that fawn, dontcha think ? ,
I would think they would have info on the radio or TV .


Yeah this weather sure stinks. My grass needs mowing and a lot of other stuff outside needs attention but the rain puts a damper ln all of it. Hoping to get my truck back today. I dropped it off Tuesday morning and as of last night it hasn't been looked at yet. I should buy a back up

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